Emergency Survival Kit

Emergency Survival Kit

Emergency Survival Kit

Of course, you can have all the emergency supplies under the sun, but you’ll need to have a portable emergency survival kit handy in case you need to evacuate in a hurry.

An emergency survival kit should cover your basic survival needs: food, water, and shelter. It should also contain essential disaster management tools such as a first-aid kit, a source of light, and methods to survive for up to two weeks.

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people who travel for over a week will become ill (some studies show even higher) due to contaminated water?

Contents of First Aid Kit
The lightest, most portable way to store food in your emergency survival kit is to use dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods are light, compact, and non-perishable, making them perfect for emergencies. If you’re likely to be near water, it could be a good idea to keep a fishing line, hook, and sinker in your emergency survival kit. That way, you can sustain yourself in an emergency.

Access to clean drinking water is essential to any emergency survival kit. The water supply can often become polluted or be cut off during an emergency, so it’s essential to make sure you have a reliable method of water purification to ensure good disaster management. The most portable, reliable method of water purification is the Sure Aqua Survival Straw. The Sure Aqua Survival Straw is light and only slightly larger than a regular straw, making it a perfect, portable option for an emergency survival kit. Should you have sufficient space, the Sure Aqua Survival Jerrycan can provide bacteria and virus free water for a group of people.

The shelter can be tricky when you’re trying to make sure your emergency survival kit remains compact and portable. A good strategy is to store an aluminum blanket in your emergency survival kit.

These blankets are compact, heat resistant can be used to make shelter, and are highly reflective, making it easy for rescuers to spot you.

Try to avoid taking shelter underneath tall trees as branches can fall any time, especially during emergency conditions. The best method of disaster management if you cannot seek shelter in a safe man-made dwelling is to take cover in a natural shelter such as a dip in the land or a rocky underpass.

Naturally, a first-aid kit makes for good disaster management and is essential in any emergency survival kit. As a minimum, a good emergency first-aid kit should contain:

  • Bandages
  • Iodine
  • Steri strips
  • Band-aids
  • Scalpel
  • Rubber gloves
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Antihistamines
  • Painkillers
  • Insect repellent
Survival Kit Sign

Of course, you will need to adapt your disaster management strategy to your personal requirements. For example, make sure your first-aid kit contains an adequate supply of any prescriptive medications you may need, and be careful to keep these inside your emergency survival kit in case you need to evacuate in a hurry. If you live in a particularly hot area, make sure to include sunscreen as well.

 Light is another vital part of any emergency survival kit. A medium-sized wind-up torch is an ideal option. However, if you cannot find a wind-up torch, opt for a regular torch and keep some spare batteries inside your emergency survival kit. A lighter and some matches are also essential as they’ll help you to light a fire, which can attract rescuers, provide warmth, and cook food.

Survival in Tornado area

 What should you store your emergency survival kit in? Don’t go for anything that could burn, fall apart, or be difficult to carry. A small backpack is the best option for most people. Consider investing in a small backpack. The SureAquaPak is a smart option like a container for an emergency survival kit: it’s portable, strong and contains a method of water purification for good disaster management.

Final Say

You never know when you may be impacted by a natural disaster.  It is essential and smart to be prepared,

Why wait..


Emergency Survival in Life Threatening Incidents

Emergency Survival in Life Threatening Incidents

Emergency Survival

Emergencies can be complete chaos. An Emergency Survival Plan is a critical

The first few minutes are complete mayhem.  It can be disorientating.  It can be confusing.  Panic normally happens.  So much depends on the first few minutes and actions that you take.  It could be the difference in life and death.  For this reason alone, everyone should have an Emergency Survival Response plan.However prepared you are, it will always be a shock, and many people lose their composure, clouding their judgment, and affecting their ability to take responsibility, considered actions. When it comes to emergency survival, it’s just as essential to be mentally and emotionally prepared as it is to have all the right supplies.

Did you know almost 90% of all declared natural disasters are floods?

child see home destroyed
Of course, every emergency is different, and so there is no absolute formula for what to do. However, some things are universal to all emergencies.

Emergency Survival Strategy

  1. Remain calm: This may sound the most infuriating advice for a stressful situation, but emergency survival relies heavily on your ability to remain calm and make considered decisions. If you can stay calm, it is likely your family will feel calmer too.
  2. Work out your choices: You should quickly consider how extreme the emergency is and whether or not it is necessary to evacuate. Be emotionally prepared to leave your home if it is the safer option: your possessions are not worth your life.
  3. Alert emergency services: Call 911 if in the United States or 000 if in Australia to request the police, fire brigade or an ambulance. Try to communicate slowly and clearly. Alert emergency services as soon as possible, as they can often take some time to get to you.
  4. Treat the injured: Make sure you have adequate emergency supplies to hand, and work quickly to make sure all injured people are in a stable condition for adequate emergency survival. To be mentally and emotionally prepared to treat others, it’s a good idea to do a basic first-aid course.
Emergency Survival

Of course, each different type of emergency requires a different emergency survival plan.

In case of a fire, make sure you have several unobstructed escape routes. Keeping a fire ladder nearby is also a good idea. Make sure your family knows where the escape routes are and have a pre-determined meeting point away from the house if there in case of a fire. If you have children, teach them that smoke rises, so the ‘get down low and go, go, go!’ motto can be quite useful. Of course, have an emergency survival kit[ready in case you need to evacuate quickly.

Emergency survival in an earthquake is a different matter altogether. Most injuries that occur in earthquakes happen as the result of falling furniture, fire, or gas leaks. To prepare your house, attach shelves, cupboards, fridges, and televisions as securely as possible to the floor or walls. Also, make sure any gaseous items (stoves, water boilers, air conditioners, gas bottles, etc.) are safe and secure.  When the earthquake strikes, be emotionally prepared to gather your family in a central room that has been optimized for harm minimization.


Final Say

Emergency survival relies not only on emergency supplies but also on being emotionally prepared for a disaster to occur and having a good knowledge of what to do in a dangerous situation.


Emergency Water Filter

Emergency Water Filter

Be Prepared for a Disaster or Emergency

With regular monotonous occurrences, natural disasters are happening in every continent of the world every single day, from typhoons to tornadoes to earthquakes to floods to bushfires that disrupt, injury, damage infrastructures like roads, hospitals, communication systems, and water treatments plants.

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people who travel for over a week will become ill (some studies show even higher) due to contaminated water?  

You get house insurance, have Emergency kits, First Aid kits, and Disaster kits for your home, car, and or camper.

So doesn’t it make sense to include a chemical-free water filtration device to allow you to have access to clean, safe water?

The SureAquaCorp product range can help support yours through your hour of need.

An Emergency may not be of the same scale as a natural disaster; it may as small but not less critical of going on a 2-hour walk that lasts 10 hours. At that time, you become dehydrated because you ran out of clean water and didn’t want to risk getting diarrhea or gastroenteritis.

Emergency and Disaster Situations

One of the main infrastructure items that are susceptible to an Emergency or Disaster situation is water supply. In floods, raw sewage can leak into the waterways; In earthquakes water-carrying pipes may break, letting in bacteria and the like into the water system. In tornadoes, city breakwaters break flooding cities.

So why not prepare your family and yourself for in a Disaster or Emergency Situation?

In any Emergency or Disaster kit, you should never ignore one of the essential items, the ability to have access to clean drinking water for up to several months. Imagine how many bottles of water would equate for an average household.

It is estimated that anything up to 280 x ½ litre bottles of water for an 2-week period would be required. I just hope it doesn’t go longer, and all the infrastructure is repaired in that time.

To makes things more complicated, should you have no bottled water, you would have to wait, for how long, for a State Emergency Officer to attend to you firstly than organize adequate supplies if they have it hand Depending on the size of the disaster the volume of bottled water may not be available.

The SureAqua Survival Jerrycan can provide a small compact, lightweight, long term (long shelf life), the product that can be stored easily at home or in the camper in the camper.

The SureAqua will last for many months of use as it filters 40,000 litre (132 gallons), making it an essential element of Disaster or Emergency Kit. The SureAqua products can support you in providing one of the essential elements to keeping healthy after a natural disaster. The provision of safe, healthy drinking water. All our products remove 99.9999% of unwanted bacteria, protozoa’s cysts, like Giardia and Cryptosporidium as well as removing 99.99% Viruses.
Water can be taken from virtually any source, municipal tap water, bottled water, freshwater lake, and creek water filter, and be drunk with confidence that the water is free from waterborne bacteria, parasites, and cysts (oocysts).

It is commonly known that water purification chemicals are not able to kill off the potentially deadly Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Chemicals are not able to penetrate the hard shells of the cysts. Besides the water tasting dreadful, it is ineffective.

Care must be taken, in not too believe that the water is free of bacteria. Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts when the water is clear and turbid free. These bacteria, cysts, oocysts, and viruses are not able to be seen by the naked eye. They range from 3-15 microns in size, that’s 3-15 millionths of a meter, some 100 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair.

Are you willing to take the risk? You would agree for a very small investment to avoid gastroenteritis, Giardiasis, or Cryptosporidiosis is well worthwhile.

How Can Survival Jerrycan increase access to water in an emergency or disaster situation and reduce Carbon Footprint?

When a person uses SureAqua Survival Jerrycan, this will replace the need to have the energy required to produce and transport 40,000 bottles of water.  

In a major disaster situation, there may require many large air freight cargo planes just to transport the water to the disaster zone.   

If using the SureAqua products, this is almost negligible.

In most disaster situations, access to water is not an issue. Instead, access to clean, safe water is the issue.


Due to the size and weight of the SureAqua products, it makes for easy and fast transportation and distribution.  This directly results in faster access to water for those in disaster situations. 

 Another differentiator is the green aspect. Assuming you required 100 bottles of water during the period, each plastic bottle creates approximately 1,000 grams of carbon gas, equating to 100 kg of carbon gas compared to 2,50 kg to make each SureAquaCorp product.  A massive differential! 
This is not even mentioning the requirement to dispose of the bottle rubbish generated.

The SureAquaCorp product range makes sense at all levels.  Why wait?

Final Say

It makes so much sense to be prepare and purchase a lifesaving device in readiness of the potential disaster than potentially happen tomorrow.


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