Reverse the Risk of Bacteria Contamination

by | Mar 25, 2021 | Water

Water contaminated by bacteria and waterborne disease is one of the world’s major health catastrophes resulting in millions of deaths every year and an estimated 443 million school days lost each year.

In a report published by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, they indicate 400 under 5-year-olds die every hour due to contaminated water supplies – a problem affecting approximately 1.1 billion people – while the World Health Organization (WHO) report the number of deaths occurring each year due to diarrhea caused by contamination and bacteria in water equals 20 full jumbo jets crashing each day.

Drinking-Water Bacteria in Municipal Water

Waterborne bacteria include potentially deadly cholera and typhoid, botulism, dysentery, e-coli, and more. While we know these forms of contamination can be found in tap water in third-world countries, Western countries may also experience contamination by bacteria from water supplies.

Even though you may believe your tap water has undergone intensive water treatment, bacteria can still be present. Coliform bacteria is a commonly found, low-risk microbe. However, if found in drinking water, it is a cause for concern as it indicates water bacteria levels of harmful microbes such as e-coli.

Coliform bacteria may enter water supplies due to a break-down in the water treatment plant or the pipes. Though any city is at risk, those in rural areas of the U.S.A. with inadequate water treatment or faulty pipes have higher levels of risk.

Bottled Water Not Safe from Water Bacteria

While claims have been made that no disease has ever been caused by bottled water, bacteria in bottled water resulted in an outbreak of cholera, according to documentation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and reported by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)*. Despite the bottling company declaring they had filtered the water with state-of-the-art reverse osmosis, water coliform bacteria (fecal coliform) was found in the bottled water.

As there are many different brands of varying quality, and there is no guarantee the water in the bottle you have purchased has undergone water purification, bacteria in sickening numbers may still be present. In fact, some studies have found a significant perception of water purity comes from the advertising and packaging rather than the actual water.

Sure Aqua products Ultra-Effective Against Bacteria

Using a 0.2-micron Sure Aqua products drinking water filter, bacteria are filtered instantly – no waiting, no unpleasant taste or smell, just sip and enjoy safe, filtered water. This incredibly low-cost, re-usable filter straw can be used time and again for up to 500 liters (132 gallons), potentially lasting for months, and also removing e-coli and parasitic cysts.

An accredited laboratory has tested Sure Aqua products water filters ‘bacteria free’, after removing 99.9999% of bacteria from contaminated water supplies, and as safe for anyone, anywhere to use. When you travel overseas, why not take a few and give them out as you go. The world will be a better and healthier place.




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