The 7 Benefits of One-day Hiking Adventures

The 7 Benefits of One-day Hiking Adventures

Do you like to take one-day trekking adventures?

Spending time outdoors in nature is a terrific method to relax, reset, and run away from everyday life stress. Trekking or hiking adventures is an excellent means to go out and experience the outdoors and has lots of wellness benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. Walking through nature over uneven ground boosts equilibrium and coordination. Climbing up a steep hillside can enhance your cardiovascular wellness. Not only there are physical breathing of fresh air, but your mental health will also drastically improve. There are great family hiking adventures so close to home.,

One-day trekking adventures have many benefits. Brief day walks are likewise a valuable kind of exercise, improving not only your cardiovascular and your mind.  There so many best hikes near me to enjoy.

TRICK: You can clean up water marks from glass vases. Or fill the vase with water and drop in 2 Alka Seltzer tablets. 

family hiking adventures

Hiking Tracks near me

For most people, many one-day treks are within a couple of hours from home. You will often be surprised by how accessible and gorgeous these tracks are. You can find a local walking hiking track suited for your level of fitness, health, and age on the internet. Google does a great job finding local hikes.

Along with the many clear physical wellness benefits of trekking, there are many psychological wellness benefits as well. Numerous scientists and physiologists agree that also consider nature can assist relieve stress. The mix of the physical workout and the outdoors make hiking a remarkable advantage to your psychological wellness. Whether you are a solo hiker (instead not as this can be dangerous), hiking with close friends or your household mates, or a website group, you will get fantastic health gain from spending time outdoors.

We detail some of the more recognizable benefits of hiking has on your body, mind, soul as well as heart!

Here are the 7 Benefits


Did you know nearly 20% of your body mass is Carbon!

Benefit 1: Clearing Your Thoughts and Mind on Hiking Adventure

Hiking forces you to remove away from technology for a while and exist as a human being. In almost all countries, it is possible to get away from the world away from where there is no cellphone signal or so weak that you only can take calls. While trekking, you can enjoy nature and the outdoors and not feel pestered by what is going on current social networks, TV, news, billboards, computers, and radio! Nature gives a quiet place to assess your ideas and thoughts. It gives you space to take a deep breath. Relaxing from the continuous stimulation of social media sites, TV, and the news will assist and enhance your psychological health and wellness. No questions asked.

With the advent of the technology revolution, more and more jobs are spending more and more time in front of computers. Who would have thought nurses in hospitals spend 32% of their time on the computer! Suppose you are one of these people who used the computer or works inside an office. In that case, going out for a hike or walk-through nature on your time off is a beautiful way to recharge and improve your psychological health emotionally and physically. Hiking in a glorious nature is a lot more effective than just taking a walk in an urban setting.

Easy hiking adventures near me

A simple brief walk through a park during your lunch break can have a considerable influence on your mood and decision-making entering the afternoon, along with improving your psychological, mental health overall.

Benefit 2: Supercharge Your Mind

Study shows that people who hang out in nature and less time on Computers and mobile phone technology are 50% more imaginative when it concerns trouble solving. Not just does nature supply the perfect trampoline to clear your mind, it provides you space and quality time to reflect and get clarity on issues and things you might have been troubling you.

Studies have conclusively shown that people who regularly trek, walk, or hike have a higher ability to learn and higher recollection of events!  What are you waiting for?

Benefit 3: Your Body Will Certainly Thank You for the Hiking Adventure

It is clear from so many studies that regular exercise is good for you!  No Question.  Hiking offers not only provides you a well-rounded workout, but it also as well explores and discovers the wonders of nature and lets you check out from our hectic world!

Regular hiking can aid you in reducing your weight, your lower blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, avoid diabetic issues, and potentially help avoid heart disease. Imagine obtaining all these wellness and health benefits while you are checking out Wentworth Falls or Westhead!  How awesome is that!


Best hiking tracks near me

Hiking is not a race! It would be best if you did your hiking adventure at a pace that is comfortable for you.  Trekking is about the journey and enjoying the surrounding.  It takes time and practice to go on longer treks and hikes. Attempting long walks should only be tried after you have been regularly hiking.  Long hikes can be both physically and mentally challenging.  We all have seen reality TV shows exploring this concept.

My recent experience on the Kokoda Trail New Guinea showed me firsthand how exhausting both mentally and physically it can be.

Benefit 4: Develops Resilience and Self-Confidence.

When we go on a hike, things may happen unexpecting and unplanned. Things can change in an instant. Nature has its mind and behaves in ways that are not logical to us. At times nature may appear totally out of our control (at least in our minds).

When trekking, we need to prepare. Some hiking tips are given below, including the obvious, checking the weather forecast conditions before heading out, and ensuring you prepare your backpack hiking essentials with treats, water, and emergency treatment. Should an adverse hiking incident occur, even being minor, it will help build resilience and help you learn to adapt to the situation quickly. This resilience and self-confidence are built up over time to help you in the future to adapt to unpredictable incidents that may happen without missing a beat.

The “unavoidable” will happen on your Hiking Adventure

However, there are times we get caught in the unavoidable. Like the sudden downpour of rain or take the wrong turn on the track, walking into the night, and the batteries on the torch are flat. These events can be one of the most memorable. These make us stranger as individuals.

Often the trek may be challenging for you. There is a sense of accomplishment we get when we make it to the top of the mountain. For those who have a routine job or no physical evidence of accomplishment is a sensation of achievement is high. It carries right into our day-to-day lives. A sense of success boosts your self-esteem.

Remember, always carry a first aid kit.


hiking adventures

Benefit 5: Hiking is easy as well as Affordable.

For those on a tight budget, trekking is budget-friendly. It is a pleasurable way to exercise and enjoy the wonders of nature and the outdoors. With good walking shoes, not necessary hiking boots, a small, lightweight backpack, and a nature reserve or national park close by, you are ready to go.

Why Wait!

Benefit 6: A great way to build new friendships.

Hiking is the 3rd most extensive activity around the world—people of all ages and hiking abilities. There is an opportunity to meet like-minded people.

It is easy to join a local hiking club or join a Meetup hiking group in your area. For those who need more support on a hike, local businesses run hiking trips from ½ days to several weeks. Many of them provide much of the hiking equipment required. Just look it up on the internet.

Benefit 7: How does hiking help Mindfulness?

Mental Health is one of the most under-diagnosed issues in our society. It is a hidden issue. Very often, it is undetectable in people. We all have problems, and all of us handle them differently. It is as just as important as looking after your physical health as it is to look after mental health. Mental health often is a distant second.

It is all too easy to go into a downward spiral. It makes it hard to be present and enjoy the moment. We can become reclusive, stay at home, and be disassociated with society, giving us more time to dwell on issues rather than resolve and live for the present rather than the future. The cost is enormous by missing out on the wonderful and amazing things around us.

Break the cycle and go on a Family Hiking Adbenture

Being outdoors, out of the house, can help break the cycle. Hiking is one excellent method to connect and appreciate your surroundings and help to focus on the here and now.

Doing an activity like hiking leaves the pressure of your daily life behind. While you are trekking, it refocuses your attention, making it hard to concentrate on the immediate troubles you may have at your job or in your personal life. This great activity helps realign things into perspective. How can you focus on bad things when walking through a subtropical rainforest or walking through a field of flowers? Try it!

What Hiking equipment do I need for my Hiking Adventure?

What hiking equipment do you require for a one-day trekking adventure? It depends on the surface, weather conditions, and experience level of the hikers.

There is a small number of essential trekking equipment that you will require to carry for your safety, including.

  • Small backpack
  • Snacks
  • Water
  • Extra clothing, jumper, and raincoat
  • Mobile phone
  • Whistle
  • Toilet paper
  • Hat
  • Sun cream

When choosing a hiking backpack, go with a smaller-sized pack. You do not want to invest your day trip carrying around a heavy backpack. It is essential to have additional clothing in case your clothes end up being wet or the weather condition gets cooler. The secret is to dress in layers.

Make sure you carry sufficient water

Carry sufficient water for the day of around 4 pints (3 liters) of water for each day of hiking.  Another way of working out how much water is 1 bottle of water per 2 hours of walking. Carrying sufficient water can be hard work, especially for long hikes.  To reduce the weight of water, carry a SureAqua Survival Bottle.  It will filter and purify water along the way.

To make the hiking adventure a little more pleasurable, pack some food and snacks and treats that contain carbs and protein and carry nuts and granola.  Sometimes the trek may take longer than expected. (I have been there!  I did a walk that took 3 hours longer than expected due to the terrain being more undulating.) Carry extra food just in case it takes more time on the trek than anticipated.

Safety needs to be the highest priority on any hiking trip. Carry extra clothing, whistle, mobile phone, compass, map, and flashlight. Bring the following products to fight any hiking emergencies: water-resistant matches, whistle, fire starter, space blanket, and emergency shelter. These items are beneficial when you are not familiar with the hiking path or anticipate trekking through rugged terrain. There are other security products to consider. Seek advice from a trekking specialist in your location for more ideas and guidance.

The elements during the family hiking adventure

The sun, wind, and bugs can become an annoyance while trekking. Make sure to bring sunglasses, sunblock, and bug repellant. Nothing can ruin a trekking experience like bug bites, painful sunburn, or not able to go to the toilet. Always wear sunscreen even if the weather condition is overcast. If you are susceptible to sunburn, discover water-resistant and sweat-resistant sports sunscreen and reapply sunscreen every 4-5 hours or more often.

One-day hiking trips are a fantastic way for recreational hikers to experience trails in their area and work out at the very same time. Start a one-day hiking group with your buddies as a social party.

Final Say – benefits of Hiking adventures

Do you like to take one-day hiking trips? One-day trekking adventures have many advantages. One-day hikes frequently take place on easily accessible trails in your location. These items are beneficial when you are unknown about the hiking trail or you expect to trek through challenging terrain. One-day trekking adventures are terrific for leisure hikers to experience routes in their location and work out simultaneously.

13 Hiking Equipment Essentials that are a must

13 Hiking Equipment Essentials that are a must

13 Trekking Items You Need Before Hitting the Road

There is absolutely nothing worse than getting miles far from civilization and encountering an emergency you have not prepared appropriately. That is why you need to use a camping and hiking equipment list before you go. Download it here. Whether you are lost without any food, captured in unanticipated rain, or in pain from lousy footwear, trekking without the best hiking equipment is never-ever a fun experience.

Your gear will differ depending upon what kind of trekking or hiking experience you are planning to undertake. However, whether you are backpacking the Appalachian Trail or preparing a day hike with your family or friends, there are some pieces of camping and hiking equipment essentials you need never to forget.

Our definition of trekking is where there is no civilization, or you are walking through forests, bush settings, or mountainous areas where are not many people or close to any amenities.

Fact: Hiking, Trekking or walking reduces anxiety and depression 

camping and hiking equipment

Item 1: Ruggedized Hiking Backpack

Backpacking Water FilterYou will need a rugged hiking backpack to hold the rest of your equipment comfortably. If most of your walks are brief and you hardly ever prepare to stay overnight, a small day pack might be all you need.

Look for a knapsack that fits easily with plenty of compartments and adequate space for all your food and equipment if you are preparing longer hiking trips.

best hiking equipment

Item 2: Purpose-designed hiking boots.

Appropriate footwear is another necessary piece of hiking gear, no matter where and the length of time you are trekking. Hiking boots are, if not the most vital piece of hiking equipment. Select hiking boots or shoes for the type of terrain you will most frequently be trekking in, and make sure they are a comfy fit.

Item 3: Sweat Absorbing Hiking Socks.

Wear high-quality hiking socks, too, developed for the specific climate you are in and cushioned for additional support. For a more precise fit, purchase your hiking socks initially and wear them to buy your best hiking equipment boots.

Hiking Equipment Essentials

Item 4: Hiking Map

Always have a map of the area you are hiking in, in addition to a compass. The compass is terrific for backcountry hiking. Hiking maps are generally available at the ranger station for most state and nationwide hiking trails.

Item 5: Food

Taking food is a must, no matter how long or short you are trekking. Calorie-rich snacks, like jerky, mix trail nuts, protein bars should be the minimum for any walk longer than 1 hour. For day-long treks, definitely take extra food in case the walk takes longer than expected. It is an excellent idea to carry sufficient food for lunch and supper for overnight hikes, just if things take longer than planned.

Item 6: Water

Any walk longer than 1 hour will need to carry at least 1 or 2 water bottles. For longer hikes, you will need to have at least one gallon of water per person per day. Carrying gallons of water may not necessarily be practicable.

Wait. There is a solution.

There is a brilliant solution. The Sure Aqua Water Filter Bottle and Survival Pump allows you to collect water along the way, knowing that you can filter and purify water as you go. It is one of the best hiking equipment essentials that you will be buying.

Item 7: Toilet Paper

Camping and Hiking EquipmentYes, when trekking, toilet paper should be near the top of the hiking equipment list. You never know where you may have to go.

\\A lightweight trowel may be useful to dig it into the ground or a sealed plastic bag so you can carry it out.

Item 8: First Aid Kit

You will also require a first-aid package on all your trekking trips.

Unless you are hiking in extreme conditions, you will simply need to have a basic first aid kit to treat insect bites, minor scrapes, blisters, thorns, and sprains that could typically happen on a hike.

Item 9: Sun and Wind Protection

There is always a chance to get impacted by the sun, wind, or be amongst inspect when outdoors. Make sure you will need to take sunblock, lip balm, and insect repellant.

Contents of First Aid Kit

Item 10: Hiking Equipment Clothing, Hat, and Wet weather equipment

Never, ever start out on a hiking trip without rain equipment and extra clothes, especially in locations with very unpredictable weather conditions. Even on a short trek.

A lightweight rain jacket with a hood is ideal if you get caught in the rain.

Item 11: Emergency Cover

In the advent of the weather turning severe during the trek, you will need to protect yourself. An emergency space thermal blanket is an essential piece of hiking equipment to be carried in your backpack, especially if you are hiking in the winter. The emergency hiking blanket usually is very light and compact and a must on the camping and hiking equipment list.

Item 12: Flashlight

Another essential piece of camping and hiking equipment that you should not forget is a little flashlight. A flashlight is crucial for extended and overnight hikes. The flashlight will be required to discover your way around camp, but they can show good one-day hikes, too, if you are still hiking at sunset.

Another practical use is if you are lost a night, it can help people find you by flashing it.

Item 13: Whistle

Hiking Equipment EssentialsMake sure everybody you are trekking with has a whistle for emergencies. You will need to get the best hiking equipment to ensure you need to cause every trip is some fire starter, together with wind and rain resistant matches and a multi-purpose knife—another item to be on the camping and hiking equipment list.

Final Say -Hiking Equipment Essential

These 13 Camping hiking equipment essential items detailed in this article are a valuable guide for any trekker. We consider they are the most standard essentials for any trekking journey.

Other items you may want to take on your trek in addition to the hiking equipment list. Depending on the terrain, location, time of year, length of the hike, you may need other equipment like a tent, cooking equipment, a sleeping bag, and a hiking pole.

Some other items you may include a camera, binoculars, EPIRB, or ropes for abseiling.

Remember, before any hiking or trekking, tell people where you are going and for how long.

I hope you enjoyed this article.


13 Ways to avoid Diarrhea & Vomiting on Vacation

13 Ways to avoid Diarrhea & Vomiting on Vacation

What to know more about avoiding Traveler Diarrhea or Bali belly, Delhi belly and Peru poos, Montezuma’s Revenge, Rangoon runs?

Diarrhea and or vomiting are by far the most common illness on vacation. There is a 50% chance of getting some degree of diarrhea and or vomiting on vacation. Do you want to be a statistic or enjoy your vacation? It doesn’t take much. A meniscal drop is all it takes. That drop can contain a vast variety of diseases, bacteria, and viruses. The more commonly known diseases are e-coli, Escherichia coli (commonly known as E. coli), enterotoxigenic, and enteroaggregative.

From Cryptosporidium enteroinvasive to Giardia lamblia, to Vibrio parahemolyticus, to Shigella, to Salmonella, to Campylobacter jejuni, to Aeromonas hydrophila, to Entameba histolytica, to Rotavirus, to Norwalk virus, and many hundreds of others, infect our waterways around the world. Not only in 3rd world and developing countries, but it also occurs in developed countries. Studies have estimated that 1 in 2 people who travel to an overseas destination for a period longer than a week will become sick! The main reason is exposure to bacteria in water and the exotic foods they are not used to!

In many cases, locals are not affected as they have become immune to the bacteria or substance in the water.
There are NO Vaccinations against Travelers’ Diarrhea or Bali belly, Delhi belly and Peru poos, Montezuma’s Revenge, Rangoon runs.

How to get Traveler’s Diarrhea or Bali’s belly, Delhi belly and Peru poos, Montezuma’s Revenge?

Do you really want to lose weight and lose energy and feel like crap for a few weeks?  If yes, there is a simple solution.  Visit a high-risk bacteria country and follow the rules below.  There is a 95% chance of getting it.

These include;

  • Drink the local water
  • Showering with your mouth open
  • Eat local foods, seafood, salads & Fruits
  • Eat reheat food
  • Eat from mobile food carts
  • Drinking localized bottled water
  • Use the local community bathrooms

In all seriousness, DON’T drink tap water under any circumstances…As it can be fatal.’s_diarrhea?

How do I know if you got Bali Belly, Delhi belly and Peru poos, Montezuma’s Revenge?


Within 4 hours of digesting an infectious bacteria or cysts, your body will start reacting.  It will be pretty violent in nature, with severe stomach cramps, runny diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.

 In most cases, it lasts for a minimum of 24-48 hours and, in most cases, if not treated quickly, will last for many more days. It is not just an inconvenient and uncomfortable event.  Other side effects include dehydration, weakness, strained stomach muscles, sore anal areas from all the wiping, and lethargy.  If diarrhea lasts for a couple of days, it may lead to bloody stools as well.

 Remember always seek medical advise

 On the worst cases and at the other end of the scale, pardon the pun. It has a significant impact on the human body’s digestive system causing internal bleeding and internal infections,  causing blood and mucus to come out in your feces.  If unattended, your body will become dehydrated, and the infection will spread.  Unattended, severe cases of diarrhea can have extreme long term effects and, in most situations, can be fatal

 It is not uncommon to hear people losing 30% of their body weight in severe cases.

Montezuma’s revenge

If you have been to Mexico, you would have definitely heard of Montezuma’s Revenge. It a
traveler’s diarrhea caused by some lethal bacteria. It is named after a ruthless Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés, during the Aztec period. Hernán Cortés defeated and inhumanely slaughtered Montezuma II, a ruler during the Aztec civilization. After this invasion, the Spanish would continue to enslave or obliterate the Aztec people.

Is there a difference between Traveler’s Diarrhea and Bali’s belly, Delhi Belly, Peru Poos and, Montezuma’s Revenge?

Technically, YES, though, the effects of diarrhea and vomiting are the same outcome.

Travelers’ diarrhea is caused by dietary changes when you travel. That is when you start eating non-regular exotic food types. In these cases, your stomach reacts adversely to protect itself. Typically, it comes with stomach (abdominal) cramps, pressing and violent bowel movements, and, less often, vomiting.

Whereas bacteria and parasitic infection cause Bali Belly, Delhi Belly, and Peru Poos, Montezuma’s Revenge. The main symptoms are waves of severe abdominal cramps, nausea, queasiness, vomiting, and diarrhea. Bali Belly, Delhi Belly, and Peru Poos, Monotozea Revenge would typically make you bed-bound and unable to move for any short period (or in the worst case, hospitalization) for anywhere from 4 hours to 2 weeks, and the unquestionable demand and desire to be close to a bathroom. These often take several weeks to recover fully.

Why does dysentery often be mentioned in the same breathe?

Wikipedia definition of  Dysentery is inflammation of the intestine. The main symptom is severe diarrhea along with the discharge of blood.  The secondary symptoms that are associated with dysentery include feverabdominal pain, and rectal tenesmus.

The infection in the intestine is initiated either by bacteria, viruses, parasitic worms, or protozoa.

It is a type of gastroenteritis. The mechanism is an inflammatory disorder of the intestine, especially of the colon.

Bali belly, Delhi belly, Peru poos, Montezuma’s Revenge, Rangoon Runs are all names for dysentery.

“Took the SureAqua pump on a Scout Hike with 15 boys and girls. It was so good not to carry so much water. The scouts are only allowed to carry 20% of their body weight. Not much! It was great, so the kids were able to carry food and tents rather than lbs of water.”

George P, Westmead, Scout Leader

Are there some destinations for getting Bali Belly, Delhi belly, Peru Poos, Montezuma’s Revenge, and Rangoon runs higher than others?

Absolutely! Mostly in developing and poor regions.

Regardless of the name, they are all bacteria, cysts, or viral infections. This is just the local naming.
In no particular order, the global, regional areas that are a higher risk of getting stomach infections are;

  • Africa,
  • South Asia
  • Latin America
  • Middle East

As an interesting note, the world map below shows where water quality levels globally. It is most interesting.

Why are you taking the chance?

In the last 12 months close, there have been over 12 million medically document cases of people having some level of diarrhea or dysentery on vacation. Survey conduct by a prominent travel company showed that over 70% of people had the “trots” from a popular destination. Close 40% of people had to stay in the hotel room format least one day! And 15% of people have to spend more than two days immobilized and not venturing outside the boundaries of the hotel perimeter.

A startling statistic is that 1 in 250 people was hospitalized.

What is the worst thing from all these statistics is that with a bit of precaution, it could have been avoided!!

How could this be prevented? Find out how.

We give you 12 basics tips in significantly reducing the risk of being a statistic. More importantly, how to enjoy your well-earned vacation.

What is the difference between Diarrhea and Dysentery?

Diarrhea is a condition that includes the regular death of loose or watery feces while Dysentery is an intestinal tract inflammation, particularly in the colon, that can bring about serious diarrhea with mucus or blood in the feces.,

What is actually Bali Belly, Bali belly, Delhi belly and Peru poos, Montezuma’s Revenge

It is essential, Bali Belly is a gastric infection caused by microorganisms. These microorganisms come in the form of either:

  • Bacteria –The most common form of bacteria that causes diarrhea is the Escherichia coli, or commonly called coli the principal strain of E. coli is the enterotoxigenic (ETEC). Other bacteria’s that typically cause diarrhea are the Salmonella Campylobacter jejuna and Shigella species.
  • Parasites – Giardia, Endamoeba, and Cryptosporidium are complex shell parasites that cause intestinal in These infections cause diarrhea Viruses –the norovirus and rotavirus viruses are the most common cause of diarrhea, Intestinal viruses cause about a 1/3 of traveler diarrhea, Bali Belly. There are no medicines to eradicate the viruses,
  • Microorganisms cause dysentery. It is believed that because of the construct of microorganisms in food overseas, some people’s gastrointestinal system has not the tolerance to adapt to the different microorganisms.

For severe bouts of diarrhea, a medical practitioner should be consulted.  They would take a stool sample (otherwise known as feces or commonly known as poo) and test for different potential infectious bacteria and cysts.   They would consider your medical history and health before any medication is provided to you to combat the specific bacteria or cyst. Not all medicines fight all types of bacteria.

How long will it last?

Traveler’s diarrhea, the worst part, typically lasts between 4 hours and, in extreme cases, two days before the recovery cycle beings.  For all the names sakes, Bali Belly, Delhi belly, Peru poos, and Montezuma’s Revenge, the infection in your stomach lasts from anywhere from 1 day to 4 weeks depending on whether or not you take something for it.

The recovery period takes up to a few weeks because the body went through a very traumatic experience and just requires time to recover fully.

Remember, you always seek medical advice if symptoms persist.  Always keep well hydrated!

Are Bali belly, Delhi belly, and Peru poos, Montezuma’s Revenge, contagious?

Yes!!  It is highly contagious!!!!

Yes, you can take basic precautions to avoid it.

It usually is only passed orally through your month.  It is essential to have hygiene precautions in paramount.

Why can’t I get a vaccination to prevent these nasties from infecting my body?

There is no single vaccination to stop Travelers’ diarrhea or Montezuma’s Revenge.

Currently, some travel physicians are prescribing oral cholera vaccination to combat the symptoms, but there are no vaccinations.

Some informal studies have shown that diarrhea is reduced by almost 50% if you tale oral cholera. This is due that the medication combats the most common cause of diarrhea, the bacteria E. coli. Do not take this medication without seeing your medical practitioner.

Am I more susceptible to getting Travelers more than someone else?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes

Young and older people are more susceptible the people from the mid-teens to mid-fifties. Also, those who frail and have a low autoimmune system are susceptible, especially if you take regular medications. People in high-risk areas include people with diabetes, have gastric ulcers, bowel diseases, and the fitter and healthier you are. The less probability you are to be impacted by exotic foods, bacteria, cysts, or viruses.

Can I get Traveller’s Diarrhea more than once on vacation?


Diarrhea is caused by specific infectious bacteria or cysts.  There are literally thousands of different infectious bacteria and cysts.  Each one of them can cause you illness

Commonly known remedies

Before reading this section, you should always consult a doctor or medical practitioner to ensure you are taking the right stuff for yourself.

One important Myth that needs to be dispelled.

Bugs cannot be rinsed or flushed out by bowel movement during diarrhea or vomiting.  They somehow remain, causing severe illness. It is tough to remove from your intestines.  They are in your intestinal systems for a number of days, if not weeks.

Traveler’s Diarrhea

The two common remedies for treating traveler’s diarrhea, remembering it is caused by eating exotic foods that you are not used to, Imodium and Kaomagma.  Always remember to drink plenty of fluid. After a few hours to when you have diarrhea, you tend to dehydrate very quickly.  These remedies stop diarrhea though some say it doesn’t get rid of the nasty bugs.

Imodium is a cheap remedy and freely available at pharmacies and chemists.  Make sure you follow the packaging instructions.

Dysentery, Bacterial, Cysts, and Viral stomach Infections

It is always best to see a doctor. In many cases, they may give you an antiemetic injection. Various medications will stop vomiting and diarrhea. As well as killing the cysts and bacteria, it wound to kill the viral infection though it will stop the symptoms. The two common injections include Maxolon or Stemetil

Some schools of thought are to get the “bugs” out as fast as you can. They say flush it out!!

Some groups suggest using Pepto-Bismol. This changes the acidity in your stomach. It stops the bacteria or cysts from multiplying, enabling them to be flushed out more quickly. Another drug could be Loperamide. It is recommended by the World Health Organisation’s List of Essential Medicines

The use of coloxyl, nulax, etc. could be used in some days after the event to help remove the remaining bugs out of the system

Avoidance Medications and Remedies to avoid or reduce the likelihood of dysentery

There is a range of avoidance remedies that people believe stop or significantly reduces the risk of dysentery. The most popular treatments include:

• Acidophilus tablets.
• Cipro or Ciproxin is an anti biotic.
• Norritt, little black activated charcoal tablets
• Entrostop charcoal tablets

Immediate Remedy Action

On the first symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting occurring, stop drinking and eating for at least 2-4 hours. It is fine to moisten your lips. The reason for this suggestion is to give your stomach a chance to recover. It needs a little rest.

After a few hours, small sips of water every 10 minutes or so. After 4-5 hours, start drinking larger volumes of water. It will flush out any of the nasty bugs. It’s a good idea to drink some electrolytes drinks. These come in satchels and readily available from chemists, pharmacies, and food markets. Don’t drink anything acidic, as this may spark it off again.

“I am a believer in everything I drink or eat be homemade, but I did not know I could filter my own water. Now I know, it’s not too late.”

Peterson, Atlanta

As a fitness instructor, I am obsessed with clean food and water. Thus, when I read about the SureAqua bottle online, I ordered mine immediately.

Amy, Sydney

“Took the SureAqua pump on a Scout Hike with 15 boys and girls. It was so good not to carry so much water. The scouts are only allowed to carry 20% of their body weight. Not much! It was great, so the kids were able to carry food and tents rather than lbs of water.”

Peterson, Atlanta

“Never again will I leave my portable water filter behind after I spent a straight 5 hours in a toilet in India.”

Christina, Wellington

Post Recovery Actions

Whenever you get a bout of diarrhea or vomiting, you should do a number of recommended things and not do. As always, if it persists, see a physician, doctor, or medical practitioner


Don’t Do

fried foods
soft drinks
dairy foods
spicy foods
diary products

stop smoking
Don’t exercise

Don’t eat anything acidic, like oranges.

Drink heap of fluid to get rehydrated
Keep well rested
Eat bland and very basic food
plain natural yogurt, Isotonic sports drinks such as Gatorade, pocari, sweat, etc.,
peeled apples,
plain rice
oats and semolina custard,
clear soups,
herbal teas,
acidophilus/ biphodophilis supplements

Some interesting facts around water quality

Would you ever drink water from a tap again or purchased bottled water again if you knew:

  • Over 45% of “bottled water” is straight from the tap. And this is legal in the U.S. and is approved by the US FDA across the globe; current estimates that about 46% of water catchments area contain unacceptable levels of Giardia and Cryptosporidium
  • On average, there is has been X number of Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Gastroenteritis outbreaks in developed countries and a daily occurrence in non-developed countries.
  • Of the 176 million people who travel overseas, close to 50% will get a form of waterborne illness, and 5% will be bedridden for at least one day.
  • Most consumer-based water filter systems let unacceptable levels of Giardia and Cryptosporidium through to their device. The ideal filter should remove anything larger than 0.2 microns as the smallest Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts are around 0.4 microns,
  • Many of the cysts that make you ill from water are not killed by basic water chemical purifiers.
  • With the change in a changing environment, there are virtually no “freshwater” streams or rivers in any remote regions that are safe to drink. Primarily due to animal feces contamination. Most wildlife now has various strands of Giardia or Cryptosporidium.
  • Bacteria can and does exist in commonly available brands of bottled water sold

Waterborne bacteria cysts are complicated to detect in water.  It usually takes several days to cultivation to identify if there are types of bacteria and or cysts.

How to avoid diarrhea on vacation

Being aware, making some minor adjustments, and being prepared, you can significantly reduce your chance of getting Travelers’ diarrhea, Montezuma’s revenge, Bali belly, and the Rangoon run.

Here are 12 tips that will make a difference.

1. Don’t drink any form of tap water

Almost 50%, across the board of people who travel internationally, will get ill from waterborne bacteria or cysts if you don’t take any precautions. The incident is higher in significantly higher in developing countries and much lower in developed countries. Just read add a reference.

Locals are generally not affected by the local water as they have become accustomed to the types of bacteria in water. As a tourist, you are not accustomed, and hence the body reacts adversely.
Just consider this. In 2011, U.S. water reservoirs were tested. It was found that over 46% of water reservoirs exceeded the safe water levels for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, as specified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Authority. Below are some statistics for other countries.

France 37%
Nigeria 67%
South Africa 58%

For developed countries, they have good infrastructure to filter and purify the water. Whereas in developing countries, where infrastructure is not as robust and up-to-date, it would be questionable about its effectiveness.

This can be substantiated by the number of outbreaks of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in developing and 3rd world countries.

Just remember, the size of the bacteria can be as small as 0.8 micron

If in doubt, always follow these tips when traveling;

  • Always drink from reputable filtered water.
  • Drink carbonated bottled water.
  • If purifying your water, boil water for a minimum of five minutes


Never have ices in your drinks

2.  Is all bottled water safe to drink?

Don’t be fooled into thinking bottled water is safe to drink.  Why do you think it is so cheap in some places!!  Even expensive water may not be safe.  Just think of the concept of spring water.  Is it straight from the ground unprocessed?

This goes for other types of water, suggesting it comes from mountains, glaciers, rainforests, and the list goes on.  Just remember, not only is our water catchment polluted, but it is also our groundwater and all the other environments. Much of our wildlife has some form of bacteria they pass.

Bottled water does not equal safe drinking water.  It just means you paid for water

There are little or no regulations in many countries about what should or should not be included in bottled water.  Did you know in the U.S., it is legal, as defined by the U.S.’s FDA, to just fill plastic bottles straight from the tap and resell it without any water cleaning?

In poorer countries, they just refill the water bottle with contaminated water then reseal the bottle.  In western society, this can be seen as unscrupulous.  In third-world countries, it is seen as survival.


Bacteria and cysts can be dormant and un-infectious in water under certain conditions but be activated or triggered by temperature changes.  The case for bottled water is often stored in warehouses for months without any temperature control.  Storing of water in a fluctuating temperate environment has been known to activate Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and other bacteria out of their dormant state.  At high temperatures above 35 deg celsius, bacteria; and cyst growth may start and exponentially grow in numbers making it a catalyst for infectious water.


Unless it is a reputable brand of water and you are buying from a reputable sales outlet, be extremely careful and don’t take the risk?


The final tip about bottled water, don’t buy bottled drinks that are kept cool in ice/water slurry in cold chests.  Purchase only from refrigerated cabinets.

3 Moderate you diet

When traveling, especially overseas, you need to avoid the temptation to overdose on exotic foods that you are not used to. Your body WILL react!

Remember only small portions, volumes, and frequency of the exotic foods in the first part of your stay. Just take it gradually until your body has adapted to it. This will vary from person to person by will take several weeks as a minimum.

Always remember, never drink tap water

4 While on vacation, only eat peeled fruit

All commercially available fruit, maybe except for “organic” fruit, have pesticides and insecticides sprayed on them to protect them from being ruined. In most cases, fruits are washed by water before being supplied and purchased by the consumers.

The water used to clean the fruit usually is just tap water. If the water has any traces of water of bacteria or cysts, it will be transferred onto the fruit. Even if the water has evaporated, the bacteria and cysts will live on the surface of the fruit.

So while on vacation, only eat peeled fruits.

5 Don’t eat raw salads or undercooked food.

The second most common way to contract diarrhea is through contaminated food. There are a range of risky food groups and situations that you should be aware of; include

  •  Uncooked side salads. The salads usually are just washed under tap water. Be aware even if they wash their salads in bottled water (Should you have severe cravings for salads, purchase your own vegetables, then you are in control of cleaning them correctly)
  • Don’t eat raw vegetables
  • Only eat fruits that you can peel, such as bananas and oranges.
  • Make sure meats(any kind and particular chicken) are well cooked
  • Do not eat raw seafood in any developing nations. Be careful with cooked shellfish or fish. Often restaurants reheat food. This, if not the most high risk of digesting life-threatening bacteria, is the second. Always make sure you see them cooking the seafood and not reheating it!
  • Only drink and eat pasteurized dairy
  • Don’t eat from dodgy street food vendors. Avoid the temptation
  • Only eat freshly cooked food. NEVER eat reheated food
  • Don’t eat food buffets.
  • Avoid cold salsas and sauces.

Be cautious about where you eat. It is better to eat from a higher grade popular eating place where it is full of people rather than only having virtually no one in the restaurant.

6 Have good hygiene

A great way to preventing diarrhea is to have good hygiene practices, more so when away from home.  There is a higher risk of becoming ill away from home because individuals’ immune levels are less tolerant to different type’s bacteria, viruses, and cysts.

How often do you hear of whole traveling groups becoming ill all at once?  This is because it is so quickly spread. It is typical that over 40-60% of people in a tour group contracting the disease when traveling. This is due for to people be in close proximity of each other, spreading it through the particles they are exhaling and other people inhaling it in.

Some tips for good hygiene while traveling include:

  • Don’t place your hands in your mouth or on your lips without cleaning your hands
  • Clean your hands often and use alcohol wipes
  • Don’t place anything in your mouth
  • If people are sick around you, use a face mask.
  • Thoroughly wash your hands and wrist with warm water and soap. In particular, before preparing or eating a meals
  • If you shave, use safe, clean filtered water to clean the razor blade. ( You may get a rash)
  • When drinking from a glass, make sure the glass is dry before placing liquid into the glass
  • Only eat from highly reputable, high-quality restaurants or eatery establishments
  • Thoroughly wash your hands, especially after going to the bathroom. Grab some toilet paper or hand paper towels to use to turn off the tap and open any door handles when leaving the bathroom.  From a study, almost 40% of people do not wash their hands after going to the toilet.
  • Don’t use plastic straw as they may not be recycled.

7 Avoid using hotel tap water to clean teeth

Having commercial-grade water cleaning (filtering and purifying) systems in an establishment is an expensive exercise to install and just as costly to maintain.  Without maintenance, the water purifying and filtering systems quickly degrades.

In many countries, hotels attempt to keep the cost down by not maintaining equipment.  Water filtering and purifying systems require regular and thorough servicing.  It is very common for people staying in even 5-star hotels to contract a waterborne disease from the hotel tap water. Hotels in developing and 3rd world countries try to keep costs down by reducing or avoiding regular maintenance and the cost of monitoring of hotels’ water systems for bacteria growth.  Even when they maintain the units, quite often, it is superficial and ineffective.

8   Keep your mouth shut the shower

This is probably stating the obvious.  Keep your mount shut, and don’t lick your lips when in a shower.  This sounds easier than you think since it a natural reaction for all of us.  Try it at home.

 Tip:   Get a laminated sign and place it in the shower when you get into your accommodation.  It’s a great reminder

 The risk of getting in a shower is significantly less as the hot water typically making hard for the bacteria and cysts to survive.

 Just remember, it only takes one drop.  Be cautious all the time.

9  Be careful at swimming pools

A significant source of bacteria and cyst growth is in poorly kept swimming pools.  Swimming pools are costly to maintain.  Bacteria and cysts cannot be seen in the water by the human eyes.  The water can look clean and safe to swim in but may, in fact, infest by deadly and contagious bugs.

As humans are the carrier of infectious bacteria and cysts, if they are in the infectious stages, they can be easily be transferred into the pool,

A pool is properly maintained and not excessively used, the chemical in the pool will kill off the bacteria, making it relatively safe to use.

Should hotels and resorts do not use the recommended dosages and level of chemical cleaning, it significantly increases the risk of transference between people in the pool.

Just be aware of the look of the pool and how crowded.  If it is overcrowded, avoid going in for a swim.

10  Do not rely on iodine or chlorine tablets to effectively remove bacteria from your water.

One of the most common methods to purifier water on the move is to use an iodine or chlorine tablet.  This has been one of the major products used in the last 50-70 years.   It is pretty effective, as it has proven over and over again.


  • The chlorine and Iodine tablets are known to be effective against hard shelly cysts!
  • Iodine tablets have been banned in Europe.
  • Chemical has adverse and detrimental for people with the thyroid conditions


The chemical concentration levels used in portable situations are generally of low dosage.  At these levels, they are ineffective against Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts.

Even when using chemical tables, do the chemicals get to every drop on the side of the drinking vessel?

Even the U.S. Military has written about the adverse recommendation

11 Avoid drinking locally made soft drinks or local beer and where there are known water problems.

I am sure it is to your surprise processed drinks like beer, and soft drinks can contain bacteria and cysts.  You may ask how?  Those industries are not necessarily geared to filter and purifier water used in making soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, or beer.  In addition, with the added sugars and yeast added, this helps provides a catalyst for bacteria and cysts.  As well as taking into account that bacteria and hard shell cysts are able to survive in ice and warm hot water.  Bacteria and cysts in water can survive in living in ice (up to -40⁰ C) and water temperatures to 60⁰ degrees Celsius

This occurs more prominently in developing countries where there are fewer regulations and standards and water quality.

A few tips when drinking alcohol in foreign countries is to be careful and only;

  • Drink only imported bottles of beer
  • Drink spirits without ice
  • Don’t buy bottled drinks that are floating in ice water. (the ice water may have infested bacteria and cysts)

12  Should I Carry your Toilet Paper?

When traveling, always carry, I mean, always having to take your toilet paper. There is a significantly higher probability of there being no toilet paper in public bathrooms or toilets.

Using public bathrooms or even in some restaurants, whether in a 3rd world, developing, or developed country, it is more than likely the bathrooms are not very comfortable, clean, and hygienic and likely in not have toilet paper.

In poorer nations, people sell toilet paper as you enter the public toilet.  The probability of finding a clean, hygienic bathroom goes down exponentially with the level of wealth of the Nation.

Remember to bring your toilet paper.

13 Traveling with Children –Protecting them against Dysentery

Young children are more susceptible to getting any one of the bacterial or cyst infections.  Children tend to place things in their mouths a lot more than older people.  It’s just they are more inquisitive. They can’t help themselves!

Here are a couple more tips in managing children while on vacation;

  • Avoid children crawling around the floor
  • Wash their hands more important
  • Have alcoholic wipes to clean their toys
  • Use filtered water to make up their formula’s
  • Boil their drinking vessels for least 5 minutes

18 In Conclusion


Thee is a fair bit of information provided in this article.

Feel free to send comments to

As a summary, remember a 50% chance of getting dysentery or Traveller diarrhea if you don’t take any precautions. Obviously not! Just remember to do a few simple things and avoid doing others, and you should be fine.


Why Choose the the Best Hiking Water Filter

Why Choose the the Best Hiking Water Filter

An Ultra-Light, Pocket-Sized Hiking Water Purifier

To carry sufficient clean hiking water has always been a weighty problem. First on the market were the easily portable water filtration tablets – but, oh, the taste. Sure Aqua was the first company to introduce a light hiking filter. Sure Aqua products include hiking water purifier straws, portable water filter purifiers, small hand pumps. Ideal for any type of trekking. They are the best hiking water filters and purifiers, available.

SureAqua was the first company to pioneer portable water filters and purifiers for trekking and hiking.  Other companies have tried to copy our product to the same standard.   There has been a range of other water filter solutions and repacking of the technology to be integrated with space-taking filtration bladders, have been introduced.

Did you know: When hiking, you should not carry more than 20% of your body weight. 

Best Trekking Water Filter

Ultra-Lite, Ultra Safe Hiking Water Treatment

Naturally, when you’re carrying your tent, cooking gear, first aid, clothes, and more on your back, you’re looking for ultralight hiking gear and don’t want to be carrying the extra weight of multiple water bottles.  It’s vital to carry a compact hiking water purifier as the local water source may contain bacteria and gastrointestinal parasites that could be risking your health.

You no longer have to lug around liters of water. You don’t have to risk your health, not when it’s so easy to carry Sure Aqua products.  It is a simple method to have pure, bacteria-free water for hiking tucked in your hiking/climbing gear. No matter whether you’re going over the Himalayas, discovering Burma, wandering the length of India, or enjoying the outdoors camping close to your own hometown, the Sure Aqua water filtering systems will meet your trekking needs.

Sure Aqua products hiking water purifiers are so compact they slip easily into a side pocket on your rucksack or a pocket on your hiking pants or outer clothes. It’s safe to include in your kids’ hiking gear, light and easy for them to carry, and of course, every kid prefers to drink from a straw.

Sure Aqua products water straws are simply ideal as a global backpacking water filter, hiking, camping out, It can be used for municipal and town water sources, and emergency or precautionary home use.  Make sure you purchase the best hiking water filter.

Tested and Approved Safe and Effective

Where the water is significantly more contaminated with chemicals or acid, more intensive purification will be required.  Purification will be necessary.  This will require an absorption material like activated carbon or similar material. Sure Aqua products will do the rest by removing waterborne bacteria and protozoa, allowing you to enjoy pure, safe drinking water. Some of the SureAqua products also remove low levels of chemical contamination.

Reusable Sure Aqua products best hiking water filters do not use either the iodine or chemicals methods, require no batteries or external assistance.  Depending on the product chosen, it can purify up to 50000 liters (13200 gallons) of water.  All our products use military-grade microfiltration technology. The pore size is a mere 0.2-micron- microporous filter. In addition, Sure Aqua products are tested and approved by a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) approved laboratory.

Not all Hiking water filters are the same

Some hiking water filters simply don’t come under the heading of ultra-light, plus you can pay up to hundreds of dollars for a hiking water purification system.  The cost of Sure Aqua products are made with the highest quality material.  The Sure Aqua products are high-quality, compact, hiking water filter that removes 99.9999% of dangerous bacteria and Giardia and Cryptosporidium.

For light, convenient camping & hiking gear and hiking water filtration, Sure Aqua products hiking water purifiers can’t be beaten for total size, effectiveness, and price



Why Do You Need the Best Travel Water Bottle In Your Travel Kit?

Why Do You Need the Best Travel Water Bottle In Your Travel Kit?

Why Do You Need A Travel Water Bottle In Your Travel Kit? Many Reasons…

As we said in another post here on travel water bottles, a smart traveler always carries his travel kit around whenever he/she is on vacation within his country or abroad. One of the things that you must have in the travel kit is your water bottle.

You can be forgiven for leaving anything else behind, but not the water bottle. Traveling is a thirsty experience. Considering the sweating and urination, which tend to increase with anxiety and excitement, you know you will need a lot of water.

Why carry your own travel water bottle?

  • Store-bought water is no good. The claims of it being 100% pure are mostly a marketing gimmick. You cannot trust it.
  • The quality of the water in developing countries is questionable.
  • You may run out of bottled water and thus have to filter more of your own. Having a SureAqua bottle, which is also a filter, makes it possible for you to have clean and safe drinking water whenever you want.
  • It is a travel water bottle, meaning that it is easy to carry around. It also has a good grip for the hand and can fit snugly in your rucksack or emergency kit if you travel for a hiking or camping vacation.
  • It is made with a spill-free mouth so that you can filter and drink water straight from it.
  • The SureAqua bottle is used widely in the world and has been issued to armies.

The technology behind the SureAqua bottle

As the most trusted global brand for on-the-go water purification, the portable filter is made with the latest technology to ensure that you have a quick fix to your water problem.
It is made to filter the physical impurities in water and get rid of chemicals, odors, and heavy metals to make filtered water the safest to drink. Even if you buy store water, you can just pour it into the best travel water bottle with filter for travel it as an extra safety measure.

If you use the SureAqua bottle, travelers’ diarrhea, which affects millions of vacationers every year, will not get to you. This bottle is a modern weapon against bacteria, viruses, protozoa, heavy metals, foul odors, and other contaminants. Show love to yourself and your family and avoid tragedy when on vacation. Try it today, and you will never be disappointed.

Did you know that a small thing like a crucial component of a travel kit can make or break your long-awaited trip?

The type of travel water bottle you carry will determine if your trip will be spent on frequent visits to the local drug store and in the toilet or on enjoying the breathtaking wonders of Mother Nature.

Remember, you should always make your travel kit as light as possible. Never carry around heavy and unnecessary contents.

SureAqua has the ultimate travel water bottle

Staying hydrated should be your top priority whenever you are on vacation. We are in an era of frequent heatwaves.

Be a smart traveler – carry a portable water filter! The SureAqua bottle is the perfect choice for you and your family. Here are the reasons why:

  • It is a cheap but high-quality product.
  • The water bottle can filter up to 500 liters of water.
  • You can use it for more than 10 years without it failing.
  • It has an ultrafiltration membrane that wipes out the tiniest of the bacteria and harmful viruses present in spring waters, bottled water, and tap water.
  • Water can have a characteristic odor that is not pleasant. The patented purifying media in the SureAqua bottle eliminates odors. The purifying media also suck out any harmful excess chemical content in the water to ensure that you stay healthy.
  • Nobody needs bad-tasting water. You do not need to worry – SureAqua will take care of this problem for you. It will restore the natural good taste of the water!
Plus, you can get your SureAqua bottle today: simply CLICK HERE to order.

More and More Smart Traveler’s are taking action

Join the growing number of smart travelers who have made the travel water bottle a definite addition to their travel kit.

It is such an embarrassing and potentially life-threatening thing to run out of water while traveling. In your desperate attempt to stay hydrated, you can easily settle for carbonated drinking water, bottled water, or tap water.

Do you know that such a move can be fatal, especially if you are in a foreign land?

Why go through all this trouble? You are better than that. You are a smart traveler, and savvy travelers are always prepared.

“My husband and I shared his portable water bottle when we went for a hiking trip in the Rocky Mountains last year. We always had fresh water.”
Melissa and Dave, Pierre, South Dakota

Backpack water bottle
Every smart traveler has a SureAqua bottle. They never get disappointed. While everybody else in the travel team may be at a loss when the water supply runs out, the ones with their portable water filters are looked at as leaders who will be able to take care of the group and avert tragedy.

Be the person who is always prepared and can help your peers in times of need. CLICK HERE to order your own SureAqua portable water filter and stay on top of the game! Become a hero!

Why is it Imperative that you add a Travel Water Bottle to your Travel Kit?

To know the answer, you first have to learn these quick facts about carbonated water, tap water, and bottled water.

Water bottled with filter for travel in most developing countries is just tap water in a colorful package. They bear the same risk as tap water. In addition, the bottled water labeled ‘Spring Water’ is the worst of them all. How sure can you be that the spring water was not just fetched from the contaminated springs?

My take is that you should not ever trust what a marketer tells you unless you can ascertain the facts. When it comes to matters of a product that you will consume, you can never be too careful.

  • Tap water can come from old rusty pipes that harbor deadly bacteria, harmful viruses, and other fatal microbes. Have you ever stopped thinking about the last time the pipes have had a check-up were done? While some of the pipes are decades old, you will be amazed by the health risks they pose to you and your family.
  • Carbonating the water is just done to create an appealing effect, nothing else. It is a marketing strategy companies use to attract consumers who love doing things differently.

From a health perspective, water carbonation is as harmful as any other chemically treated water. Remember that chemicals are added to the carbonated water to bring out the effect and fizzy taste. At the extreme, some of the additives have been known to cause deadly diseases such as cancer! Scary, isn’t it?

Your life depends on the Travel Water Bottle

Your life is precious, and so is that of your family members. It is upsetting and disappointing to break for a relaxing vacation only to spend days or even months trying to recover from preventable afflictions.

When you go on a hiking trip, you will definitely need to take extra care not to spend any of your vacation time lying down on a hospital bed due to an E.coli infection. Beware of Bali Belly, Delhi Belly, and other infections that affect travelers who visit the third world and developing countries.

“Never again will I leave my portable water filter behind after I spent a straight 5 hours in a toilet in India.”
Christina, Wellington

All of the risks mentioned above will be history if you add the SureAqua bottle to your travel kit! Just think of how much you will save on hospital bills if you purchase the water bottle for a small price. Besides, bacterial and viral diseases tend to recur, and so prevention is better than cure.

Final Say

Show care and love for your family. Make your travel season free of diseases by updating your travel kit. CLICK HERE to purchase the SureAqua travel water bottle. It is a worthy investment, and you will never regret it.


Backpacking Water Filter

Backpacking Water Filter

Why should I carry a Backpacking Water Filter?

It is probably a safe statement to make to say that for the majority of backpackers, a tight budget is a focus.   Backpackers would look at areas (the obvious and less obvious) to save money.  Seasoned backpackers are aware of many of the traps that the less experienced may fall into – from the cheap accommodation options, cheap eats to the less obvious areas of what to avoid.   

You can blow a lot of money unnecessarily, on buying bottled water.  Westerners have a  perception that the bottle is free of bacteria and cysts.          

You do not need to buy water to avoid potentially lethal local tap water. Bottled water is not necessarily clean water. There should be a concern about buying cheap water as it is likely to be just untreated tap water. Would it be worth the risk with your health? 

For the price of less than a cent per liter, a Sure Aqua product will deliver you hundreds of liters of microbiologically safe drinking water.   That is no bacteria or viruses.

You don’t need to compromise on quality. The cost with the Sure Aqua product will pale into insignificance over just a week.

Travel Safe, Travel Green with These Nifty Little Backpacking Water Filters

You get travel insurance, you visit your travel health medical center, purchase a guide and great boots, so doesn’t it make sense to get the protection of one of the world’s best backpacking water filter products – Sure Aqua products – also offers powerful benefits for the environment.

Travel Lighter, Healthier, and Greener with Sure Aqua Products

Part of the backpacking ethos is to tread lightly on the earth and to travel responsibly. But you can’t ignore the health risks of contaminated drinking water.

Chlorine-based tablets are compact and highly effective against multiple sources of polluted water – with two distinct downsides;

  1. they taste dreadful,
  2. they are not entirely effective in eradicating waterborne parasites.

Whether you choose a Sure Aqua Straw, Sure Aqua Bottle, or Sure Aqua Travel for your backpacking adventures, all these water filters will cleanse a minimum of 500 liters (132 gallons) or 10000 liters (2640 gallons), depending on the product you choose.  All the products remove bacteria and cysts using a capillary membrane to effectively remove waterborne bacteria, parasites, and cysts (oocysts).  It can be used as municipal tap water, and freshwater lake and creek water filter.

Backpacking through any wilderness areas, you only see how pristine they seem. However, always take a Sure Aqua product water filter backpacking with you and be sure to use it, as unseen contamination will be present in water sources worldwide.

For example, if you choose to buy a Sure Aqua Straw that filters up to 500 liters (132 gallons), this is the rough equivalent of 2,000 250mls bottles; it’s easy to see how much money you’ll save with these backpacking water filters and how you can slash the weight of your backpack gear.

How Can Sure Aqua Product Backpacking Filters Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Chances are, before knowing about Sure Aqua products,  you were buying bottled water as you travel and adding the greenhouse gases to the environment.

These figures will amaze you. It takes around 17 million barrels of oil each year to make 29 billion plastic bottles – and the world consumes far more bottled water than that while only recycling a small percentage of the bottles, meaning more and more raw materials are being used.

It’s estimated with each bottle manufactured, 100 grams of carbon gas is created – and more than 33 million tonnes are used each year to bottle water. Then add the effect on the environment of transporting billions of cartons of bottled water around the globe.

Should we also get into the pollution caused by discarded bottles, unnecessary crowding of our landfills, or the toxic fumes released if the bottles are incinerated.

As an individual, if you consume bottled water regularly, you can reduce your carbon footprint by around 600 kg per year by switching to the pocket-sized Sure Aqua Straw (500 liters) water filters, or 1200kg when choosing the Sure Aqua Bottle (1000 liters).

Backpacking demands a different way of thinking about your world and how to protect it. Sure Aqua products are the ideal backpack filter. It takes up virtually no room and is cheap, quick, and easy to use.

Why wait?


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