Summer Essentials: Staying Hydrated this Festival Season

by | May 14, 2021 | Health, Travel, Water | 0 comments

Pumped for this Year’s Music Festival Line-up? Don’t Let Dehydration Ruin the Party

Ataying hydrated is always important, but when you’re spending all day standing and dancing under the hot sun, it becomes crucial. If you don’t replace all that sweat you’re losing with water, you’ll quickly find yourself dehydrated: nauseous, lethargic, exhausted, light-headed, faint, and in danger of heatstroke.

Dehydration can ruin the festival fun or even result in a trip to the hospital, so it’s important to stay on top of it. Read on for some easy tips to help you stay hydrated, and remember – preparation is key!

Bring multiple water containers.

This allows you to have a water bottle to carry with you, as well as a spare in your tent for easy access near bedtimes, to share with a friend, or in case you lose one.

Have a water bottle on you at all times.

You may not think you need to do this, but the most important part of staying hydrated is constantly sipping water throughout the day. Besides, if you’ve made it to the front row for your favorite music act, you don’t want to give up your place and battle the crowds to go find the nearest tap! Make sure you invest in a portable water bottle that is lightweight and easy to carry around with you.

Alternate between alcoholic drinks and water.

If you’re drinking alcohol, be sure to regularly drink water as well because the alcohol may be dehydrating you without you even realizing it. Plus, this also helps to prevent hangovers!

When thirsty, choose water over other beverages.

Bubbly, flavored, or alcoholic drinks often dehydrate rather than hydrate, so even though they’re tasty, they’re not a good option when looking for something to quench your thirst.

Make sure your water is clean.

Camping out at festivals is a lot like camping out in nature: you’ll be going without all the comforts of home, and that could include a potentially unreliable water source. As an extra precaution, it’s a good idea to bring a water pump or filter with you to make sure the water you’re drinking is pure and safe.

Keep in mind that the average male needs about 3 liters of water a day, while the average female needs 2.2 liters – that’s a lot of water! So keep sipping, make sure your friends do too and have fun!

Remember Staying Hydrated is critical for your health!





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