Staying Healthy When Traveling Africa

Staying Healthy When Traveling Africa

Tips for Staying Healthy when Traveling Africa

If you love traveling, you have probably considered going on a vacation in Africa at one time or another. Even though it’s not appropriate right now, it will be again in a couple of years.

Africa is breathtaking. Now, before I tell you why you need to order the best water filter for your trip, there are a few things you should know about this great, massive continent. It is about 30.2 million square kilometers – second largest in the world after Asia and second in population too. Africa has once again ignited a “scramble,” not for empires as in the past, but for the market potential of the more than 1 billion people that it presents. 

Traveling to see the fantastic five beasts

Africa has awesome people, incredible jungles, and many wild animals, such as the fantastic five beasts – lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros, and leopard, which you will probably never see in your own country, at least not in the wild. Let me tell you something free of charge… Africa is great, yes, but it is about 20 years behind your country in matters regarding development.

No insult intended; it’s just that not all countries develop at the same rate. Well, the urban centers are relatively modern – they have almost everything that you would have in, say, a city like Sydney – but the small towns in the rural settings are another matter altogether.

You should know that, like any other country or continent in the world, not all is glam in Africa. There is a perennial lack of safe and healthy drinking water. Thus, if you are going there, you need to order your portable water filter now. Don’t leave without it and put your health at risk.

Travel Africa

What should you fear most when traveling in Africa?

Your biggest fear when traveling anywhere, not only to Africa, should not be insecurity. It should not be food; it should not be medicine – it should be water. Ask anyone who has ever suffered from Delhi belly, where your stomach runs too hard, and there are unfortunate results from both ends, and you will know the importance of drinking clean and safe water.

Point to note: Safe, healthy, and clean drinking water for travelers is more important than food.

But there is so much water on the shop shelves.

Yes, this is true… and there are so many health food restaurants in New York, yet no one trusts them to serve healthy food. Why? Because they are there to make a profit. When it comes to food and drink, the only thing you can trust is that which you have prepared yourself. Savvy? All that water that you see on the shelves labeled “spring water” is really no good for you. Ok, you can buy it

but then don’t drink it before you can filter it. With the best portable water filter, you will always be assured of the safest drinking water.

Do you think a businessman who is after profits would have the time to make sure the water is filtered of all impurities, including viruses? Apparently not. Thus, the only water you can trust is the water you have filtered for yourself, with the top-of-the-range portable water filter.

Point to note: Bottled water is not always safe.

But I will be traveling in Africa – how can I get Delhi belly?

Firstly, I would like to let you know that Delhi, or New Delhi, is in India. However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that Delhi belly is confined to India alone. It is everywhere!

You think it is called Delhi belly because it is a resident disease of New Delhi in India? Delhi belly is just another name for traveler’s tummy, a condition that primarily affects people from the First World countries when they are traveling in Third World or developing countries.

That single bite of street food, that single gulp of the store or tap water that you take could make your stomach start rumbling from here to Timbuktu (as they say in Africa), and will assign you sentry duty at the toilet for hours on end.

But this nasty toilet sentry business needs not happen if you are smart. Just order your SureAqua bottle today. This bottle is manufactured in Australia and Malaysia, meets the highest and most stringent standards for water purification, and is an army issue in many countries.

It is no ordinary water bottle. It is a portable water purifying system. When you buy your bottled water, just pour it into this filtration system, give it some time and then drink directly from the spill-free mouthpiece! Honestly, they do not come any better than this bottle, do they?

Filter water from any source, but do not filter other drinks as they may destroy the filtration system. This is the best water filter, specifically designed to filter water only.

Point to note: Delhi belly affects more than 10 million travelers every year!

African Vacation
That single bite of street food, that single gulp of the store or tap water that you take could make your stomach start rumbling from here to Timbuktu (as they say in Africa ), and will assign you sentry duty at the toilet for hours on end.

But this nasty toilet sentry business needs not happen if you are smart. Just order your SureAqua bottle today. This bottle is manufactured in Australia and Malaysia, meets the highest and most stringent standards for water purification, and is an army issue in many countries.

It is no ordinary water bottle. It is a portable water purifying system. When you buy your bottled water, just pour it into this filtration system, give it some time and then drink directly from the spill-free mouthpiece! Honestly, they do not come any better than this bottle, do they?

Filter water from any source, but do not filter other drinks as they may destroy the filtration system. This is the best water filter, specifically designed to filter water only.

As a fitness instructor, I am obsessed with clean food and water. Thus, when I read about the SureAqua bottle online, I ordered mine immediately

Amy, Sydney

What is Montezuma’s revenge?

Like its nasty sister, the Delhi belly, Montezuma’s revenge is another form of travelers’ diarrhea that originates in Mexico. However, that does not mean that it is confined there because Africa is one of the highest risk places on earth where you will most likely contract this nasty running tummy disease if you are not careful what you eat and drink.

Ouch! Those abdominal cramps and pains and the unprecedented runs to the bathroom will cut your happy vacation shortly before the end of its time. If you watch what you eat and filter all your drinking water using the SureAqua filter systems, you will enjoy your stay in Africa.

Points to note: abdominal pains, and cramps, and running stomach indicate Montezuma’s revenge.

When packing your Survival Kit, DON’T FORGET

When traveling to a far country, you need to bring a small emergency kit with you.  Don’t worry too much about water, which is bulkier than, say, dry food and occupies too much space. You just need to bring one of the best water filter systems. Even if you are going to Egypt, which is in the Sahara Desert, you can still filter water from the oasis and drink it comfortably without worrying about the world.

In almost all the countries in the world that you might travel to, most Delhi belly cases are caused by E.coli that enter the body by consuming contaminated food and water. Since you must eat and drink, the only way you will keep safe is by filtering your own drinking water.

DO NOT drink a drop of water unless it goes through your water filter bottle first.

The good thing is that medicine, dry food, and other essentials can take more space in your survival kit since you do not need to carry water. You just need our SureAqua bottle to filter water from any source and drink it with the confidence that it is safe and healthy.

Point to note: No need to pack water, and you just need your portable filter bottle.

Why order your SureAqua bottle filter now?

  • It is small, portable, and has a comfortable and slip-free grip on your hand.
  • It is an issue in many countries – do you need any more assurance that this is the best water filter?
  • It has an inbuilt three-stage filtration system that filters the chemicals and physical impurities and odors as well. That is right – drink odorless water.
  • This is a light water filtration bottle that you can carry with you anywhere you go. It will pass through customs.
  • It will filter the water free of E.coli bacteria that causes traveler’s diarrhea like Delhi belly and Giardia and Cryptosporidium, which cause Montezuma revenge.
  • This product is tested, tried, and proven. It delivers what it promises! With a lifespan of up to 10 years, no other portable water purifying system comes any better than this.
  • You can order your portable water filter online, and it will be shipped to you. Once you have your SureAqua bottle, you can use it to purify all the water you drink. Whether traveling or not, it will serve you diligently.
  • It is cheap! If you think it’s expensive, try footing the cost of the doctor when you have Montezuma’s revenge caused by E.coli.


When traveling to Africa, Asia, or any other developing country, take your portable water filter with you. Drinking safe and healthy water will not only keep you safe from E.coli caused diseases, but also it will keep you alive. With the problem of drinking water solved, you can have much more fun. Order your SureAqua filter bottle HERE.


How to be Smart and Keep Healthy on Indian Vacation

How to be Smart and Keep Healthy on Indian Vacation

“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” – Jack Kerouac

I/dropcap]n many ways, India is the ultimate travelers’ destination. The culture is rich, the food is delicious, and the polluted streets bustle with life. It is one of the most diverse, spiritual, and historical countries on Earth.  Here some travel tips to use on tour Indian vacation

How to keep healthy on your Indian Vacation

The key to having a positive experience is making sure you have what you need to keep healthy in India. To avoid coming down with the notorious Delhi Belly, make sure you have a reliable method of water purification with you. Don’t rely on bottled water because India has severe problems with pollution, and bottled water can be challenging to ascertain in many areas. Most bottled water is not what you think it is!. It’s also imperative to make sure everything you eat is well-cooked, as dirty residue water can make you seriously ill.

Almost 60% of first-time visitors get some kind of illness when traveling through India.

The sewage system is sub-par, to say the least, so to keep healthy on your Indian vacation, aim to make it to a restaurant or hotel when you really need to go. Coming into contact with untreated sewage can cause severe illness and transmit diseases.

This is all well and good while you’re there, but before you head off on your India holiday, make sure you’ve got the following things sorted to make sure you can keep healthy in India:

Be Emotionally Prepared for your Indian Holiday

Even though India is a fantastic vacation destination, there are several aspects that can be very disturbing. These include:

  1. The abject poverty, extremely poor, with shanty towns everywhere,
  2. The number of beggars in the street
  3. The piles of rubbish scattered in the streets, rivers,
  4. The sick looking dogs roaming the streets
  5. The sewage on the streets,

Indian Vacation Preparation

Insurance. If your India holiday goes pear-shaped and you need to flee to get medical assistance because of a family emergency or for some other reason, at least it won’t be out of your pocket.

Bring your meds. Don’t rely on being able to pick up more prescription medication in India. Have enough with you to last until you reach the following Western country. Oh, and of course, if you have any aspirations whatsoever to keep healthy in India, bring a first-aid kit.

Get your lady bits sorted. Pads and tampons can be very hard to come by and the absence of them could definitely dampen your India holiday. Birth control is legal and accessible in India, but make sure you have a sufficient amount if you a reliant on a particular brand.

Bring at least two rolls of toilet paper with you. Unless, of course, you want to do as many locals do and use your hand.

If you’re going to go to India, be mentally prepared to deal with poverty, corruption, and pollution on an unimaginable scale. For the unseasoned traveler, the hardest thing about an Indian holiday is dealing with immense poverty. Every day in many parts of India, you will see children, families, the elderly, and the disabled living on the streets begging for food or money in order to survive.

How to manage beggers?

Even for the seasoned traveler, the most challenging thing about an Indian vacation is seeing how much more vast the poverty is in India compared to other places you may have been. Don’t be afraid to give to beggars, but set a budget for how much to give per day. To avoid being chased or robbed by an entire gaggle of people, never give too much to any one person. However, bear in mind that it can be enormously satisfying to know that you’re giving to the people during your India holiday and gaining a stronger connection with the country.

Be Prepared for Indian Vacation

While some places are better to travel to others on an India holiday, be prepared to be somewhat flexible on your itinerary so you can make the most of your India holiday. Make adjustments to your plans when you make great connections with people or places.


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