Africa Water – What Water Crisis?

Africa Water – What Water Crisis?

How the Lack of a Clean Water Source is affecting the Poverty, Education, and Aid resulting by Africa Water

Is Africa water still in crisis?

Although there is safe drinking water in some parts of Africa, an overwhelming number of countries in Africa lack the infrastructure to provide a safe water source for many of their communities. As many as 2,500 people die as the direct result of drinking from a dirty polluted Africa water source every day.  According to David Damberger, an expert on NGO infrastructure in Africa, maintaining the water source infrastructure is where NGOs are failing to provide Africa water, not installing them. In several places, water systems have been reinstalled just meters away from pre-existing ones as funding is provided on the premise that the NGO creates something new.

Human Rights – Safe Drinking Water

Access to clean drinking water from an accessible water source is a fundamental human right. The infrastructure is consistently unreliable, and so governments and NGOs need to invest in alternative solutions like Sure Aqua technology.

Africa needs a way to access safe drinking water when the infrastructure breaks down or becomes polluted. If Africa could be provided with an affordable, reusable, portable water filtration system that doesn’t rely on batteries, electricity, or expensive chemicals, like the Sure Aqua water filter systems, the number of deaths and illnesses in Africa would dramatically decrease.

In much of Africa, water sources are often both scarce and polluted.  In many cases, women and children throughout Africa walk more than 20 kilometers to the nearest water source that contains drinkable Africa water. Even after traveling that far the water often contains harmful bacteria. The benefit of Sure Aqua products is that they are completely portable, providing a safe water source wherever you go.

The Water Solution

With Sure Aqua technology one can drink from any water source, offering the potential to minimize how far the people have to go to collect water and ensuring the water collected is safe to drink. Unfortunately, the time it takes to collect water for many families prevents women from generating income and children from going to school, furthering the cycle of poverty.

East Africa is currently experiencing the worst drought in 60 years. As a result, thousands of families from all over Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia are leaving their communities to seek food and water in one of the increasingly overcrowded and under-equipped refugee camps in the area.

A large proportion of East Africa’s population, especially in Ethiopia, lives off the land. Without water the crops don’t grow, the animals die, and families are left not only without any income but also without food or water.  Attempts are being made to rectify the Africa water situation, but so far, progress hasn’t been able to keep up with the increasing demand for aid.

Be Prepared when travelling to drink water in Africa

Anyone traveling to Africa, especially East Africa, in the recent future should make special precautions to ensure access to a water source and a water purification system. Do some research on the area to find out about the current situation. Also, remember that although people generally don’t wish to harm you, poverty breeds crime, so be street smart to avoid winding up in a sticky situation.

When reading about Africa or planning to travel there, it is vital to grasp how versatile Africa is. Many in the West seem to think of Africa as a single country. We associate it with images of charity commercials featuring starving children with swollen bellies. However, far from this image, Africa is a varied continent. Each country has its own culture, traditions, languages, music, and of course, problems. To have true empathy for Africa, one must understand its joys as well as its sorrows

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Why Risk Gut-Wrenching Water Poisoning When It’s so Easy to Avoid

Why Risk Gut-Wrenching Water Poisoning When It’s so Easy to Avoid

An estimated 40% of travelers fall sick with gastro poisoning, losing anywhere up to 4 days from their holiday. Imagine being on your dream holiday and coming down with diarrhea, vomiting, and severe cramps – imagine if it was one of your children – all because you didn’t avoid risky foods or use a simple Sure Aqua products water filter.

Wide-Spread Water Poisoning Issues

Healthy drinking water is vital to our health. Each country has its own protection authority monitoring drinking water quality, but how effective these agencies can be in detecting and removing pollution in water systems depends on the resources made available to them, environmental issues, and the level of industrial and farming controls.

More People dieing form water diseases than Covid-19

what water product to choose while traveling

Water poisoning very often comes from PBTs (persistent, bioaccumulative toxic chemicals), possibly more commonly known as the organochlorines – industrial agents including the extremely harmful dioxins.

 Water poison can originate from farming and suburban run-off in the form of pesticides and other hazardous chemicals, while asbestos fibers, heavy metals, organic and inorganic sediment, and water lead poisoning are all severely damaging the environment and threatening our health.

 It’s not only man-made substances that cause poisoned water sources. That clean, flowing stream you’re drinking from could contain naturally occurring contaminants that are poisonous to our bodies, such as e-coli and parasitic cysts.

 Dysentery is worldwide but plagues developing countries. Spread by poor hygiene and through water poisoned by human sewage, the bacilli penetrate and ulcerate the intestine, causing debilitating blood-stained pussy diarrhea.

Sources of Healthy Drinking Water

Though bottled water may first spring to mind, when even the World Health Organization is warning of possible health complications from the transportation and storage of bottled water*, you have to sit up and take notice.

In Western countries, while tap water is generally healthy, environmental factors such as drought or flooding, or mishap at the water filtration plant, or pipe corrosion, may result in poisoned water. It’s not unheard of for the residents of even significant cities to have to boil their water due to parasitic infiltration.

In one major U.S. city, reportedly 400,000 residents became ill through swallowing Cryptosporidium oocysts. From the oocysts, the parasites emerge, as with Giardia cysts, to live and reproduce inside the small intestine causing severe, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, and fever.

Sure Aqua Water Filtration is 10 Times Finer

Sure Aqua filters out e-coli, parasitic protozoa, and other forms of bacterial poison. Hot water and brackish water are the only exceptions for not using the Sure Aqua products.

The Sure Aqua products are so effective because the microfiltration membrane is 10 times finer than the smallest microbe and for the virus’s products 5 times smaller.  It provides an excellent state of mind knowing the drinking water is safe and high quality and gives you confidence  as you travel overseas or go camping in your own home.

 Why would you let water-based poisoning ruin your holiday when it’s so easy to avoid?


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Drinkable Bacteria Free Water Is A Necessity For The Wellbeing

Drinkable Bacteria Free Water Is A Necessity For The Wellbeing

Clean, Drinkable Bacteria Free Water Is A Necessity For The Wellbeing Of The Human Race

Clean, drinkable water is a necessity for the well being of the human race. Water quality is becoming an increasingly challenging problem in the world community. The shortage of drinking water is a big problem, but various kinds of pollution are degrading the available water quality. Various kinds of pollutants are tainting water around the world. The problem of keeping existing water sources clean and finding new ways to clean tainted water to make it safe for governments and scientists around the world are studying drinking.

How can we help to provide safe drinking water from tap?

Humanity water
We need drinking water to be clean and safe for the health and wellbeing of people using it. Polluted water can cause severe illnesses. Some waterborne illnesses that are incredibly contagious that can sweep through entire population groups. Water sources, like a lake or stream, can become polluted due to the overpopulation in the area around it.

Too many people use water for too many things. If the people in the area use the lake for bathing in, to wash clothes in, to water cattle in, and to dump waste in, in no time the lake will quickly become polluted. Add industrial and farm runoff and the problem become even worse. Our water sources need to be carefully managed to protect water quality.

Water will become unsafe when bacteria and microorganisms get into the supply, rendering it unsafe for human consumption. Bacteria can be introduced into a water supply by farm runoff, sewage dumping or spills, natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes, runoff from roads or parking lots, and overuse for humans and animals bathing.

Industrial chemicals and pesticides can endanger the health of anyone drinking the water they taint. The world water supply is limited, so when its water quality is degraded to be unsafe to use, there is nowhere to go for more: no water to drink, no human race.

Lets try to reduce the pollution into our environment.

There is a vast bottled water industry in the world today. People worldwide are becoming so unsure of the safety of their drinking water supplies, and they choose to purchase bottled water that has a perception that the water quality is of a safe standard.

The bottled water industry is essentially self-managed, with only limited guidelines and obligations regarding the standards they need. In a few developed countries, bottled water can be filled unfiltered straight from the tap or groundwater (spring water). Have a look at your state or country regulations to see what I mean.

That is a solution for people who have access to bottled water and the money to purchase it, but what about those who are too poor to buy bottled water?

Ultimately, the best solution would be to make the international effort to educate people on how to clean up polluted water sources and keep water quality at safe levels. Local populations, farmers, industries, and governments all must cooperate to keep the world’s water clean and drinkable.

Is this dream achievable? It is, without question, extraordinarily challenging. Protozoa’s bacteria, viruses are growing at rapid rates around the world, not only infecting humans but also wild animals. These wild animals inadvertently contaminate our waterways by animal excrement or dead and rotting carcasses in our waterways.
Science must find better ways to purify drinking water that even the poor can afford.

Fortunately, a company Sure Aqua based in Sydney, Australia, has discovered a cost-effective way to provide portable safe drinking water for the masses at less than 1 cent a liter.

 They have harnessed membrane technology to filter bacteria, protozoa’s, and viruses out of water. It filters down to 0.01 microns. This is a minimum five times smaller than the smallest virus and 100 times smaller than bacteria and protozoa’s.

Do yourself a favor and take a look at this scientifically proven product. They don’t distort the scientific results. It actually works and has been proven over and over again in the field.

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Bacteria free water from tap

Drinking Water Quality – Bad Quality Water

Drinking Water Quality – Bad Quality Water

Water quality is questioned more and more, as it should be. As towns and cities grow the demand on infrastructure becomes stretched to and past the limits.

We need to be aware of the challenges and educate ourselves accordingly. This includes being prepared according for when notification of contaminated water might be made.

Questions around this would include local conditions and the type of incidence that might occur and the resulting contamination that you would need to address in your water to be able to drink it safely.

When familiar with the SureAqua range, you may also be able to review the volume of water that you store from a disaster preparedness angle. If you live in an area where flooding is common, you may be able to source flood water and use the SureAquaJerrycan, therefore, reducing the need to store high volume water.

The SureAqua range of products can address microbiological contamination like no other product, you will not question your water quality when using the products

Our earth is covered by around 70% of water, of that 70%, only about 1% that is drinkable. Of all water being consumed by people about 95% ends up in our sewage system. As consumers of water, our water consumption is up 100% in the last 30 years.

In that time, we have increased our pollution by more than 350% per person, we have removed enormous areas of forests, we have increased our heavy industry by more than 2 fold, and quadrupled the number of motor vehicles, as well as our population, is growing at a rapid rate.

It is no wonder that our earth has more and more issues with challenged water quality.

Many recent surveys and reports have attributed liver damage, cancer, arthritis and many other diseases less than effective water purification systems.

Latest US water supply reports have shown that approximately 65% of town water supplies has some form of unacceptable (EPA levels) levels of contamination. Most town water supplies have elaborate water purification and filtration systems to remove and destroy unwelcome contaminants.

There is a large number of bacteria, oocysts, cysts and virus that contaminate our water, many are caused by human invention. This can be from sewage effluent to industrial pollution to toxic rain

Some of the main culprits in todays water impurifications include; Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium, Leptospira (leptospirosis), Vibrio cholerae, salmonella, Clostridium botulinum (botulism), pathogenic viruses, the larvae of flukes. Each can have devastating, if not fatal effects on humans if not effectively treated..

What about heavy metals is water?

Heavy metals in water can lead to some very serious side effects including brain damage, development of autoimmunity, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney, and nervous system diseases. When we refer to heavy metals we normally refer to toxic metals. These, in most, originate from industrial & urban runoff; that is from roads and house roofs; factory outputs; industrial wastes, garbage tips, coal burning, waste incinerators, mining.

There are over 50 plus heavy metals elements. Of that, there are 18 that are considered toxic. Mercury, selenium lead, cadmium, chromium, thallium, and arsenic are the worst of the heavy toxic metals that should be avoided at all costs. Other heavy metals that are required in very small dosages, 1 µg or less per day by the human body include zinc, copper, and chromium, though in large dosages can be fatal.

These heavy toxic metals are considered as dangerous as they bioaccumulate in the body. That is, they build up faster than they are removed through human excretion, This build up that causes much of the damage to humans.

Even though toxic heavy metals are a lesser concern compared to bacteria followed by viruses, it should not be discounted as there have been some majors water disasters attributed to heavy metals. Some more prevalent ones have been in France (Sandoz), Spain (Coto de Donana) and Australia (Sydney).

It’s not only the water you should be concerned about drinking, fruit, vegetable, grains, seafood, and shellfish can also contain toxic metals and bacteria as the water used to grow the plants or the seafood is contaminated and polluted.

How does contamination get into our water supplies?

There are a large number of ways the contamination enters our water supplies, these include

• Toxic incinerators, coal-burning plants
• Industrial wastes (Process wastes from mining and industry)
• Garbage dumps
• Road run-offs
• City smog caused by car fumes
• Animal Droppings

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