A Guide to Handling Lead in Drinking Water

A Guide to Handling Lead in Drinking Water

How safe is our drinking water from lead?

In the last 2 years, measures taken in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act have greatly diminished lead poisoning presence in drinking water. Some metal water taps, pipelines connecting homes to the primary street pipe, or interior water pipelines might still produce such problems. We need to be sure that we have acceptable lead levels in drinking water and avoiding the negative health effects of lead in drinking water.

There is no other accurate method to remove the threat of lead in your drinking water unless you have it evaluated for its chemical composition. The presence of lead can not be detected by taste or odor, neither can you see the lead particles, as they are tiny. Another method is to ask your water company what the lead concentration in the water is.  They will need to obtain water samples and take it away for testing.

FACT:  Damage lead  poisoning cannot be reversed  

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Acceptable lead levels in Water Suppliers

If you are linked to a private supplier, they ought to have such details offered. Public water companies likewise take this problem into account, and you can usually get some precise and in-depth answers to your questions. Prior to calling your company, you may likewise want to attempt their site, where such info is generally posted.  In either scenario, the companies would have to go to your site to obtain water samples to assess the lead levels.   Lead poisoning in drinking water levels may accumulate along with the distribution.

Has the levels of lead reduced in our water?

To use of lead poisoning in water has dramatically dropped over the last few decades, and as a consequence, the levels of lead are not at the same high levels.  It has reduced the risk for the majority of people. However, it is an element worth looking at. Health problems can occur if acceptable lead levels in drinking water are not met.  The Environmental Protection Agency declared a level of 15 parts per billion (ppb) as the high limitation of lead concentration in drinking water.

Lead poisoning is more likely in old houses through the pipes and paint used the from around 1930 to 1970’s

Simple method to reduce lead water

A fast and simple way to reduce the levels of  lead poison in drinking water in households is to let the water run for a few minutes prior to checking, especially if the water has not been used for a few days.  Even if the water street pipeline includes lead, the exact same treatment can be used.  Filtration systems used directly on tap might likewise considerably reduce lead levels that comes through your pipelines.  Purification systems should be ideally used as well.

Are developed countries on top of this potential health issue?

In the last two years, procedures taken in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act have significantly diminished lead presence in water supplies. This results improved health effects of lead in drinking water. Some metal water taps, pipelines connecting homes to the main street pipeline, or interior water pipelines might still produce such issues. Another approach is to ask your water company what the lead concentration in the water is. In order to get rid of lead in water with excess lead, try to let cold water run for a couple of minutes.

Effects of copper as Water Contamination

Effects of copper as Water Contamination

How bad can copper contamination be in our water systems?

Copper is widely used in many households today. It is a heavy metal that is naturally found in ores deposits. This metal has been proven as a water contaminant. Some years back, a safe drinking water act was passed to regulate the safe levels of different chemicals found in drinking water as these chemicals result in health problems to avoid copper contamination.

Copper contamination occurs naturally due to corrosion of hose pipes; thus, it is almost impossible to detect or remove this contamination from the water systems. However, control of corrosiveness in the water can be controlled to a reasonable degree. The act aimed to achieve high drinking water standards of which all public water suppliers must abide by.

TRICK: You can clean up water marks from glass vases. Or fill the vase with water and drop in 2 Alka Seltzer tablets. 

Organic Taste removal Carbon Blocks

Is Copper safe to drink?

Copper gets into drinking water in various ways. The biggest source of its drinking water comes from the continuous corrosion of pipes that supply households with water. Furthermore, erosion of natural deposits is another source. When it gets into contact with pipes, it leaches in the water by dissolving, causing the metal pipes to wear away.

This wearing of pipes elements then results in a chemical reaction between them and the water. Acidic water is more corrosive than non-acidic water. The more the water stays in plumbing pipes, the more it gets contaminated. Since one cannot see or smell copper in dissolved water, it’s good for your water to be tested if you are suspicious of the copper pipes you are using, signs of corrosion can be rust-colored water from your pipes, leakages, and even stained laundry. Another better caution is to be changing or replacing your pipe regularly before they wear out.

How easy can copper contamination be detected?

Copper contamination can be detected, and its levels reduced in water. The copper regulation and other water acts require every water supplier to take water samples in household taps, mostly twice a year. After collecting the samples, they are carefully analyzed and to find the level of copper in the tap water. If there is a high level of contamination, the water suppliers are bound to take steps to control the level of copper up to a minimum level.

These water suppliers must follow the treatment technique, which was established by the water regulations. This treatment is referred to as the lead and copper rule, and it has been used widely to control water corrosiveness.

Did you know nearly 20% of your body mass is Carbon!


Drinking Dirty Water – Dispelling a few myths about water contamination

Drinking Dirty Water – Dispelling a few myths about water contamination

Dispelling a few myths about water contamination

‘Oh well,’ you say. ‘I should’ve brought a water purifier, but I didn’t, so I guess I’ll just have to drink from this creek. It has run off the rocks anyway, which might’ve filtered it a little. I’ll be fine, right?’ Ah, famous last words.  Drinking dirty water takes many disguises, many of them you will not recognize.

Drinking dirty water is much more serious than one might think.  The invisible parts of water can give you cholera, dysentery, amoebas, e.coli or giardia, just to name a few. You could contract various cancers. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, disguised safe drinking water can even give you hepatitis A and E. As lax as you may be about drinking contaminated water, it really isn’t any fun at all.

However, despite the severe implications of water contamination, there are several common misconceptions and myths about drinking dirty water. Let’s dispel a few:

“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.”

Benjamin Franklin, (1706-1790).

TRICK: You can clean up water marks from glass vases. Or fill the vase with water and drop in 2 Alka Seltzer tablets. 

Drinking Dirty Water

MYTH ONE: If water is dirty, you can tell.

Wrong. Water contamination is sneaky. Water contamination won’t necessarily look brown, murky, or chunky. Tiny microorganisms that aren’t visible to the human eye can live inside dirty water and cause great harm.

MYTH TWO: Dirty water is only a problem in third-world countries.

Wrong. Any water system can become contaminated by run-off from agricultural, household, industrial waste, rusty pipelines, and sewage. Most water systems contain a certain level of water contamination.

MYTH THREE: We will have a water crisis, but not for another 100 years or so.

Wrong. Due to a rising global population, water contamination, and resistance to recycled wastewater, the world is already in a water crisis. A child dies every eight seconds as the direct result of drinking dirty water.

MYTH FOUR: If you end up drinking dirty water, it’s the government’s fault.

Wrong. Water contamination is often the result of lead pipes in the plumbing in your home. Most countries don’t have specific laws to protect you entirely from water contamination. Your health is your responsibility. If you end up drinking dirty water, it’s your own fault, really.

MYTH FIVE: Wastewater is sent to treatment plants and cannot infect us.

Wrong. According to the World Health Organisation, 90% of the world’s wastewater is channeled off into lakes, rivers, and oceans. You could be inadvertently drinking dirty water while you’re swimming.

MYTH SIX: Freshwater is one of the Earth’s most abundant natural resources.

Really very, very, wrong. Only 3% of the water on Earth is fresh. Of this measly 3%, 2% is found in glaciers, and only 0.5% is accessible.

Unfortunately, water contamination is a permanent bi-product of our highly industrialized lifestyles. In order to live a modern life and avoid drinking dirty water, you need to take your health into your own hands. Invest in a water purification system that doesn’t put more chemicals into your body, and water should be pure. Try a Sure Aqua system today.

Did you know nearly 20% of your body mass is Carbon!

Summer Essentials: Staying Hydrated this Festival Season

Summer Essentials: Staying Hydrated this Festival Season

Pumped for this Year’s Music Festival Line-up? Don’t Let Dehydration Ruin the Party

Ataying hydrated is always important, but when you’re spending all day standing and dancing under the hot sun, it becomes crucial. If you don’t replace all that sweat you’re losing with water, you’ll quickly find yourself dehydrated: nauseous, lethargic, exhausted, light-headed, faint, and in danger of heatstroke.

Dehydration can ruin the festival fun or even result in a trip to the hospital, so it’s important to stay on top of it. Read on for some easy tips to help you stay hydrated, and remember – preparation is key!

Bring multiple water containers.

This allows you to have a water bottle to carry with you, as well as a spare in your tent for easy access near bedtimes, to share with a friend, or in case you lose one.

Have a water bottle on you at all times.

You may not think you need to do this, but the most important part of staying hydrated is constantly sipping water throughout the day. Besides, if you’ve made it to the front row for your favorite music act, you don’t want to give up your place and battle the crowds to go find the nearest tap! Make sure you invest in a portable water bottle that is lightweight and easy to carry around with you.

Alternate between alcoholic drinks and water.

If you’re drinking alcohol, be sure to regularly drink water as well because the alcohol may be dehydrating you without you even realizing it. Plus, this also helps to prevent hangovers!

When thirsty, choose water over other beverages.

Bubbly, flavored, or alcoholic drinks often dehydrate rather than hydrate, so even though they’re tasty, they’re not a good option when looking for something to quench your thirst.

Make sure your water is clean.

Camping out at festivals is a lot like camping out in nature: you’ll be going without all the comforts of home, and that could include a potentially unreliable water source. As an extra precaution, it’s a good idea to bring a water pump or filter with you to make sure the water you’re drinking is pure and safe.

Keep in mind that the average male needs about 3 liters of water a day, while the average female needs 2.2 liters – that’s a lot of water! So keep sipping, make sure your friends do too and have fun!

Remember Staying Hydrated is critical for your health!



Travel Tip -Travel Advice Vietnam

Travel Tip -Travel Advice Vietnam

Amazing place to Visit?

Vietnam is a diverse and colorful country. The noisy streets are lined with makeshift stalls selling everything from food and cigarettes to electronics. Cars and motorbikes whizz around corners in the buzzing, polluted cities, while pristine mountains tower all around. For less than US$30 a day, you can live like royalty, and the tourist road is so well worn in that getting around is relatively easy. However, if you’re lucky enough to be heading to Vietnam soon, it pays to do your research. Like any overseas vacation, here is some valuable Travel Advice Vietnam.

Minimize Dealing with Bureaucracy in Vietnam and Maximise Your Fun

The most vital piece of travel advice for Vietnam is to get a visa. Almost everyone requires a visa to enter Vietnam, so without a visa, you’re unlikely even to be able to board the plane. Even if you’re going to be traveling to other countries before Vietnam, it’s a good idea to arrange your visa at least three weeks before you plan to arrive at the minimum. Ideally, arrange it before departing your home country. Like anywhere, bureaucracy in Vietnam can work against you. If you’re going to enter Vietnam by plane, a visa on arrival is often the best way to avoid too much tricky bureaucracy in Vietnam.

How easy is it to fall ill on a Vietnam Vacation?

The essential piece of travel advice for Vietnam is to stay healthy. Once you arrive in Vietnam, you’re almost guaranteed to have a good time unless you fall ill. Unfortunately, dengue fever and malaria are common in Vietnam. Protect yourself from infected mosquitoes by wearing loose clothing that covers your arms and legs. Use mosquito repellent regularly and keep away from creeks and rivers where mosquitoes are likely to breed.

How good is the water from taps?

The most helpful piece of travel advice for Vietnam is to avoid drinking tap water.  Although the water quality has improved over the last few years, it is still extremely poor and far from potable.  Waterborne diseases are common in Vietnam, and although not all of them are dangerous, they could definitely ruin what would have been a great holiday.

Many hospitals in Vietnam are below Western standards, and although they will help to get you in a stable condition, it can become expensive, and you will spend your time dealing with bureaucracy in Vietnam. So the best piece of travel advice for Vietnam really is not to drink the water. Not only will it make you sick, but it could also have you filling in insurance papers rather than exploring temples. Booooor-ing.

What you should look out for to avoid illness

To avoid getting diarrhea, cholera, or something even worse, make sure you have access to safe drinking water. Avoid raw foods that may have been washed in contaminated water. As well avoid drinks with ice cubes and any unpasteurized dairy products. And don’t leave home without a failsafe, sustainable method of water purification like the Sure Aqua Bottle.

Another piece of important travel advice for Vietnam is to be aware of your security. Vietnam is a developing country, and tourists make for easy targets. Ditch your vanity and wear your backpack. That way, it is much more difficult for pickpockets to do their work.

Also, place money in a minimum of two different places. Just in case you get robbed, there is a backup. It can be either cash or credit cards. Also, make photocopies of your passport and other vital documents and store them somewhere safe, away from the originals. That way, if you end up having to deal with bureaucracy in Vietnam, you can at least prove who you are.

As long as you are prepared and cautious, you will have a wonderful time in the amazing.


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