Tips for Disaster Preparedness

Tips for Disaster Preparedness

How prepared are you for a Natural Disaster or Other type of Emergency?

We already have done another post about preppers, but there is no harm in repeating a good piece of advice, and we would like to add to it by bringing you more information about the prepper checklist. We live in very uncertain times today. If it is not the fear of a nuke going off somewhere and releasing radiation worldwide, it is the fear of aliens invading – lol. I know it sounds farfetched, but the movie world makes it seem like it could happen anytime! And what about Hurricane Katrina, tsunamis, high magnitude earthquakes that rate ever higher on the Richter scale, and so on? Everywhere you look, we are surrounded by mini-Armageddon disasters. It pays to be fully prepared!  Disaster preparedness should not be an afterthought!

Very important – well, unless you want to become a sitting duck in the case of a disaster, and I am sure you do not want that. Ok, by now, I know you are convinced that disasters are always lurking in the shadows, and even though there is a promise of deliverance, even when you walk in valleys as dark as the shadows of death, you have to use your brain and be prepared for anything!

  • Do you live in a disaster-prone area? It would help if you were ready.
  • Do you live near the ocean? A tsunami could occur without warning anytime.
  • Have there been heavy rains lately? As one effect of global warming, floods kill thousands – mainly by cutting them off their basic needs.
  • Do you live in a disease-prone area? For example, cholera breakouts in Africa, India, China, etc.?  You need a disaster preparedness kit.
  • Do you have a family? It would help if you had a prepper checklist.

Tips for Disaster PreparednessA prepper checklist is a must for your Disaster Preparedness Plan.  It will make the work easier, and you will have peace of mind knowing that you have everything you need right there in your house should a disaster strike. Again, if you do not know what you need to buy, the list will help you. Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry. 

Whenever emergency strikes, having a backup plan with solutions in mind is a top priority

Do you have plans to include emergency water?

Most people do not know how to get adequate water in case of emergency, but not to worry as I have everything for you here. SureAqua products offer you the perfect solution. If you visit our products page, you will see why it is much better to buy yourself a SureAqua filter or pump rather than to buy water bottles for storing water.

How would you like the idea of having fresh, filtered, clean, and safe water whenever you want it? I bet you like it very much. It can take days before a person dies of hunger. However, lack of water will lead to death in a matter of hours, depending on the conditions to which one is exposed.

For example, when one is in hot weather, and they are not drinking water, they will lose significant amounts of water through urination and sweating. When dehydration occurs, the body starts slowing down. If the water is not replenished as fast as possible, the vital organs like the brain start slowing down too, and that is the onset of declining health that will eventually result in death if nothing is done.

That is why when you are completing a prepper checklist, and you have to consider much more than just a few water bottles.

Should a disaster happen and you exhaust the stock of emergency water you had set aside in your disaster kit, what will you do?

Tips for Disaster Preparedness

Drink just any water that you find?

That can bring diseases caused by E.coli, cryptosporidium, and viruses too. Please make sure there is a water pump and a portable water filter included in your prepper checklist. These should go into your disaster kit alongside dry food, the first aid box, clothes, and all the other necessary items.

What should you look for in your emergency water filter?

  • It must be able to get rid of the viruses, protozoa, bacteria and other disease-causing organisms found in water.
  • It must be able to filter the water to be odorless by using a carbon-activated filtering mechanism to trap the odors.
  • It must be able to capture the heavy metals and other impurities, leaving the water fresh, germ-free, and odorless.
  • It must be able to last a long time – you do not want to have to worry about buying a new water filter every year or so.

The good news is that you can buy your emergency water filter online. Order your SureAqua filter today and drink healthy water all the time.

Prepper Checklist

Who knows when a disaster might happen? It’s better to be ready.

Due to many environmental and geologic changes happening worldwide, natural calamities are quite unpredictable today. In addition to the threat of natural disasters, we also have to be concerned about the potential of man-made disasters. Whichever the case, the probability of not having access to clean water is high. Remember, disaster does not care how developed your country is, so you should be prepared no matter where you live.

Natural and man-made disasters happen every single.  Just watch the TV news broadcast!  A Disaster Preparedness Plan should be a must.  This article Tips for Disaster Preparedness provides some guidance for you.

What must be in your prepper checklist?

You may never catch up with you, but you can never be sure. For the unknown things, it is much better to be prepared and have them never happen than to have them happen and catch you unprepared.

What should your prepper checklist contain?

Many things, but if you are a beginner prepper and do not know what to buy, you can get ideas from different sources online, including the ideas we are offering you here.

  1. It must contain a means to filter water for drinking. Note that even if you include the recommended number of bottles of water in your survival kit, you still need to buy the SureAqua filter. You can never have enough water.
  1. You may need a crank-up radio that comes with an AM/FM shortwave radio and 7 weather channels.
  2. Include a sturdily built water bottle.
  3. Make sure you have an LED flashlight and a couple of spare batteries.
  4. Get a decent survival knife, too, similar to an army-issue as that one is made to last a long time.
  5. Include candles, matches, firestarters, and lighters. A metal match is also suitable for you to have. Keep these in waterproof pouches and canisters.
  6. A survival blanket, first aid kit, whistle, and compass are also essential.
  7. Don’t forget duct tape, rope, and a lightweight axe if you can find one. You will be surprised at the wide variety of uses these items can have.

There are many more items that you need to include in your Tips for Disaster Preparedness -Prepper Checklist. You can take all of the advice you can find online and then further customize your kit to ensure your and your family’s needs are covered. For example, you may want to include rations of dry or canned foods.

“The bit about portable water filters – I think that is very important and should not be overlooked when preparing the prepper kit.”

Terri, Winnipeg


Everyone must have a disaster kit because we live in volatile times. Even if you are a beginner prepper, you can use the information we have brought you here to create a prepper checklist to ensure that your kit has everything essential for survival in a disaster, including a means for emergency water filtration. Confident to buy your world’s best portable water filter bottle HERE.


Emergency Survival Kit

Emergency Survival Kit

Emergency Survival Kit

Of course, you can have all the emergency supplies under the sun, but you’ll need to have a portable emergency survival kit handy in case you need to evacuate in a hurry.

An emergency survival kit should cover your basic survival needs: food, water, and shelter. It should also contain essential disaster management tools such as a first-aid kit, a source of light, and methods to survive for up to two weeks.

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people who travel for over a week will become ill (some studies show even higher) due to contaminated water?

Contents of First Aid Kit
The lightest, most portable way to store food in your emergency survival kit is to use dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods are light, compact, and non-perishable, making them perfect for emergencies. If you’re likely to be near water, it could be a good idea to keep a fishing line, hook, and sinker in your emergency survival kit. That way, you can sustain yourself in an emergency.

Access to clean drinking water is essential to any emergency survival kit. The water supply can often become polluted or be cut off during an emergency, so it’s essential to make sure you have a reliable method of water purification to ensure good disaster management. The most portable, reliable method of water purification is the Sure Aqua Survival Straw. The Sure Aqua Survival Straw is light and only slightly larger than a regular straw, making it a perfect, portable option for an emergency survival kit. Should you have sufficient space, the Sure Aqua Survival Jerrycan can provide bacteria and virus free water for a group of people.

The shelter can be tricky when you’re trying to make sure your emergency survival kit remains compact and portable. A good strategy is to store an aluminum blanket in your emergency survival kit.

These blankets are compact, heat resistant can be used to make shelter, and are highly reflective, making it easy for rescuers to spot you.

Try to avoid taking shelter underneath tall trees as branches can fall any time, especially during emergency conditions. The best method of disaster management if you cannot seek shelter in a safe man-made dwelling is to take cover in a natural shelter such as a dip in the land or a rocky underpass.

Naturally, a first-aid kit makes for good disaster management and is essential in any emergency survival kit. As a minimum, a good emergency first-aid kit should contain:

  • Bandages
  • Iodine
  • Steri strips
  • Band-aids
  • Scalpel
  • Rubber gloves
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Antihistamines
  • Painkillers
  • Insect repellent
Survival Kit Sign

Of course, you will need to adapt your disaster management strategy to your personal requirements. For example, make sure your first-aid kit contains an adequate supply of any prescriptive medications you may need, and be careful to keep these inside your emergency survival kit in case you need to evacuate in a hurry. If you live in a particularly hot area, make sure to include sunscreen as well.

 Light is another vital part of any emergency survival kit. A medium-sized wind-up torch is an ideal option. However, if you cannot find a wind-up torch, opt for a regular torch and keep some spare batteries inside your emergency survival kit. A lighter and some matches are also essential as they’ll help you to light a fire, which can attract rescuers, provide warmth, and cook food.

Survival in Tornado area

 What should you store your emergency survival kit in? Don’t go for anything that could burn, fall apart, or be difficult to carry. A small backpack is the best option for most people. Consider investing in a small backpack. The SureAquaPak is a smart option like a container for an emergency survival kit: it’s portable, strong and contains a method of water purification for good disaster management.

Final Say

You never know when you may be impacted by a natural disaster.  It is essential and smart to be prepared,

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