How to choose the right Travel Insurance for the Next Vacation

How to choose the right Travel Insurance for the Next Vacation

Travel Insurance a necessary cost when going on Vacation

When choosing the right travel insurance for yourself, there are many questions that you need to ask, and these questions will change depending on the location and the purpose of the trip, time away, etc.

For example, a policy that is suitable for domestic travel within Australia (when you are an Australian citizen) is covered by Medicare. The travel insurance will not be the same policy that you need for overseas travel for business when taking your laptop and other expensive electronic items. You need to be aware of these differences and read all the fine print, particularly when buying your policy online and not through your travel agent or directly from the Insurer.

What do most Vacation Travel policies?

You would expect most policies will cover you for;

  • Late cancellation of your hotel and airfare – if an immediate family member is suddenly ill.
  • Your medical expenses while away – though there may be limits
  • Lost luggage and personal effects. – not all – for experience- they wanted the receipts for everything.
  • Legal costs if you are involved in an accident

Don’t ASSUME! Insurance companies often have lots of get-out jail clauses for none-payment. They cannot be trusted.


Not all of these clauses are standard, and you must always read the fine print to ensure that you are purchasing the right policy for you.

What should I consider in Travel Insurance?

Some critical questions to ask;

  • Do you qualify for cancellation coverage, hotels, and airfares?
  • Do you qualify for medical expenses that suit your personal conditions, or family history, and recent medical history at the time of travel?
  • Will you receive full compensation for lost/stolen luggage? – What’s in your luggage that might need to be itemized and provide receipts (electronics, sporting equipment, jewelry, etc.)
  • Are you covered for legal costs if you become involved in an incident/accident that may result in the injury of another party?
  • What holiday activities will be not covered, like hot-air ballooning, downhill skiing, or biking
  • How much travel will you be doing in the calendar year? Would it be more cost-effective to purchase a policy covering you for multiple trips?
  • The policy for my needs overall – for example, there are policies available for Backpacking over general travel, with family, international, long-term travel are some examples.
  • How easy is it to process a claim and recoup your out-of-pocket expenses?
  • What documentation do I need for a claim, what receipts/reporting (medical) are needed? These are always easier to get at the time – not when you’re back home!!

Always read the entire policy and then reread it.

I hope that you find this helpful.


Travel Tip -Travel Advice Vietnam

Travel Tip -Travel Advice Vietnam

Amazing place to Visit?

Vietnam is a diverse and colorful country. The noisy streets are lined with makeshift stalls selling everything from food and cigarettes to electronics. Cars and motorbikes whizz around corners in the buzzing, polluted cities, while pristine mountains tower all around. For less than US$30 a day, you can live like royalty, and the tourist road is so well worn in that getting around is relatively easy. However, if you’re lucky enough to be heading to Vietnam soon, it pays to do your research. Like any overseas vacation, here is some valuable Travel Advice Vietnam.

Minimize Dealing with Bureaucracy in Vietnam and Maximise Your Fun

The most vital piece of travel advice for Vietnam is to get a visa. Almost everyone requires a visa to enter Vietnam, so without a visa, you’re unlikely even to be able to board the plane. Even if you’re going to be traveling to other countries before Vietnam, it’s a good idea to arrange your visa at least three weeks before you plan to arrive at the minimum. Ideally, arrange it before departing your home country. Like anywhere, bureaucracy in Vietnam can work against you. If you’re going to enter Vietnam by plane, a visa on arrival is often the best way to avoid too much tricky bureaucracy in Vietnam.

How easy is it to fall ill on a Vietnam Vacation?

The essential piece of travel advice for Vietnam is to stay healthy. Once you arrive in Vietnam, you’re almost guaranteed to have a good time unless you fall ill. Unfortunately, dengue fever and malaria are common in Vietnam. Protect yourself from infected mosquitoes by wearing loose clothing that covers your arms and legs. Use mosquito repellent regularly and keep away from creeks and rivers where mosquitoes are likely to breed.

How good is the water from taps?

The most helpful piece of travel advice for Vietnam is to avoid drinking tap water.  Although the water quality has improved over the last few years, it is still extremely poor and far from potable.  Waterborne diseases are common in Vietnam, and although not all of them are dangerous, they could definitely ruin what would have been a great holiday.

Many hospitals in Vietnam are below Western standards, and although they will help to get you in a stable condition, it can become expensive, and you will spend your time dealing with bureaucracy in Vietnam. So the best piece of travel advice for Vietnam really is not to drink the water. Not only will it make you sick, but it could also have you filling in insurance papers rather than exploring temples. Booooor-ing.

What you should look out for to avoid illness

To avoid getting diarrhea, cholera, or something even worse, make sure you have access to safe drinking water. Avoid raw foods that may have been washed in contaminated water. As well avoid drinks with ice cubes and any unpasteurized dairy products. And don’t leave home without a failsafe, sustainable method of water purification like the Sure Aqua Bottle.

Another piece of important travel advice for Vietnam is to be aware of your security. Vietnam is a developing country, and tourists make for easy targets. Ditch your vanity and wear your backpack. That way, it is much more difficult for pickpockets to do their work.

Also, place money in a minimum of two different places. Just in case you get robbed, there is a backup. It can be either cash or credit cards. Also, make photocopies of your passport and other vital documents and store them somewhere safe, away from the originals. That way, if you end up having to deal with bureaucracy in Vietnam, you can at least prove who you are.

As long as you are prepared and cautious, you will have a wonderful time in the amazing.


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