Fresh Water With Water Cleanser

Fresh Water With Water Cleanser

Should I drink the water in developing and 3rd World Nations?

Many establishing and under-developed and 3rd world nations in Asia and Africa do not have pure, safe, and drinkable drinking water. Bacteria and infection trigger severe diseases like typhoid, polio, gastroenteritis, to name a few. It refers fantastic issue as water-borne diseases are rampant in the poorer parts of the world, declaring many lives, especially of kids. A water purifier and water cleanser must be a mandatory requirement in most houses in these parts of the world.

Excellent quality water purifiers and filters will provide water that is pure in all aspects like physically, microbiologically, and organically with no opportunities of being polluted once again—installing a water filter and purifier guarantees that we get pure water right from the tap.  Water filters, water purifiers, and water cleansers are available in numerous sizes to cater to various needs. From portable to fixed.

FACT:  95% of all water in lakes and rivers has some level of non-drinkable bacteria

Water Cleanser

Find the best water cleanser in the market

Sure Aqua portable water purifiers, filters, and water cleansers may not be the lowest price but have the highest quality. Many companies use inferior materials to purify and filter the water. The water filters and purifiers in fixed locations, like kitchens, bathrooms should use household-designed water cleansing systems.

For larger establishments like hospitals, hotels, shopping centers must use larger sophisticated purification systems.

Did you know that water composition is different between regions everywhere!

What is the best water cleaning technique?

There are many purification techniques and filtration systems take are able to remove most of the hazardous and harmful chemicals, minerals and metals, microbes, and bacteria or infection.

For example, they may clean the water using reverse osmosis procedure.  This is not a typical technique of water purification and can be used in small portable or camp purifiers as it requires lots of power and there is up to 80% wastage of water.  It is only practicable in large environments such a community water plants.  The reverse osmosis membranes eliminate the majority of the damaging components. They can also tolerate severe pH pressure without leaking or breaking. However, for this resilience, the system needs to be made with an eye on the quality.

Setting up Sure Aqua portable water systems, water cleansers is entirely hassle-free.  Sure Aqua is completely transparent, providing all the information required to making an easy choice to purchase online. This is a benefit for very busy persons who are unable to visit the store within stipulated hours.

For fixed water cleaning solutions such as households, hospitals, hotels, Sure Aqua is not the solution.  They specialize only in portable water cleansing solutions where people are on the move or in disaster or emergency solutions.  They are ideal for hiking, camping, RV’s, 4WD, trekking, or when traveling and staying in hotels.

There are many different water purifying, water cleanser, water filtration brands in the market, and we encourage you to review their products.  We are sure that you will return to our products if you are looking at portable water cleansers as they are built in a reputable country, Australia.

Water Cleanser Guarantees

Most makers offer guarantees. In case of part replacement or breakdown, the service, for the most part, is timely and as much as the mark.  Maintenance is similarly easy without any headaches. Price is constantly a big concern, but the majority of the systems are really cost reliable.

Water purification systems are a requirement not only for domestic functions.  However, they are commonly utilized in nursing homes, health centers, and in research laboratories. All these locations require pure, clean water, and only the best systems are installed as there is no compromise when it concerns quality.

3rd World and Developing Countries Water household requirements

Unfortunately, in most homes in 3rd world and developing countries, water cleaners have not been designed into houses.  Often, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to install a fixed water cleaning system.   Only portable water filtration and purification systems are an option.

Water purifier and water cleansers is a necessity for homes in these parts of the world.

Excellent quality water cleanser will provide water that is pure in all respects like physically, microbiologically, and organically without any opportunities of being polluted again. Setting up a water cleanser makes sure that we get pure water right from the tap.  Installing a Sure Aqua water purifier is totally straightforward.

Types of Water, Their Problems and Solutions

Types of Water, Their Problems and Solutions

Types of Water, Their Problems, Water Cleaning Solutions, Is All Water Equal?

Get To Know Your Water, raises thought-provoking questions in readers, causing them to take a step back and think … is the water that I drink every day really as clean as I think or have been led to think it is?

From the introductory to the very last chapter, this book makes for an interesting read. Written in easy to read language, this book contains everything that you need to know about water. The author presents comprehensive information about Earth’s most precious resource, including a discussion on the ultimate solution—the ideal kind of water that you should drink.

From the introduction, you learn that water is life. This concept stamps down the importance of water. No one can put it any better than this. This is because about 80% of the human body is composed of H2O, which literally means that there is no life without the special H2O. This eBook, written by a water filtration expert who has been building portable water filters for many years, seeks to explore whether all water is equal and, if not, what can be done to make it equal.

All water is most definitely not equal. There is H2O, and then there is clean, filtered, and safe water. What are you drinking? You may have access to clean water at home, but what about what you buy in the stores when you travel? Is that clean and safe too?

We cannot take for granted that all water is the same. Ironically, water may be one of the leading causes of death in the world, which is quite paradoxical because it is supposed to give life. High-quality water is what makes you thrive and feel alive. Therefore, water is life only if it is of the quality that is fit for consumption.

The quality of H2O may decrease in various ways, including contamination after many journeys before it reaches the consumer. Beware that the plastic water bottles you have always seen as prestigious could actually be the most poisonous. The writer of the eBook says that the plastic containers used for buying and drinking water may be unsafe. And we know this is true because there are some plastics that are food grade and some that are not. Now, how often do consumers check whether they have been served water in food-grade plastics?  Not often.

Grab your copy of “Is All Water Equal”  ebook

Are all water purification methods good?

Bottled water companies claim to use many methods to make their water as close to the pure H2O as possible, but do they really? Or are they mainly concerned with making their product marketable on shelves?

Various types of water have different uses. Apart from drinking, H2O is used in medical applications, for irrigation, and for cleaning contact lenses, among many other uses. People love the convenience of carrying plastic water bottles in their hands while walking or having them in their car for regular drinking. However, it is very unfortunate that many people have never even thought about the fact that sun rays have an adverse effect on water and can cause contamination.

“I loved that the book gives me a solution, which is different from other books that just give an interesting discourse on the problem without suggesting a solution.”

Patrica Rommel

From the different types of water that are available for consumption to different methods of treating water, the writer of this eBook leaves nothing to chance as he delves into the expansive subject of clean and safe water for drinking.

In the e-book, we see the different methods of water purification, such as:

  • Deionization
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Distillation
  • Charcoal Filtering
  • Ultraviolet Light

And this raises a few thought-provoking questions like … are all the methods as effective as the water plant companies would like us to think? Does the ultraviolet light treatment take care of the viruses in the water? If not, can you still consider that water clean? Will it be safe to drink?

“I agree with Robert that water is not just water, but it is defined by the quality and now I know that good, safe water should be slightly alkali.”

Christian K. Sydney

It is a necessity that you stay hydrated for good health. A good type of liquid aqua should cool and calm you down. It may surprise you to know that even if you are drinking more than two liters a day, you can still find yourself dehydrated almost as if you never drank any. Failing to drink plenty of fluid leads to:

  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Headaches

So what water should you drink?

In an attempt to find the cleanest and healthiest water available in your grocery store, you will find many types of options. How will you know which one you should choose?

Heavy, Hard, and Soft: Heavy water contains an excess amount of hydrogen and is denser than other types. However, it is not recommended for drinking as it can be lethal if taken in large quantities. Some people prefer drinking hard water because they think it is the best option due to the extra minerals it contains.

Some prefer soft water due to the amount of sodium that it contains. Soft water does not react with soaps and detergents like hard water, but it makes them more efficient. Hard water causes damage to your appliances, water heater, and plumbing. Soft water is also not good for your health if you are on a low-salt diet. You would not want to drink hard water from wells because it has a nasty smell, akin to that of rotten eggs. Not only that but also hard water from wells is exposed to contamination from its immediate surroundings.

“I am a believer in everything I drink or eat be homemade, but I did not know I could filter my own water. Now I know, it’s not too late.”

Peterson, Atlanta

Ground Water: Refers to water that filters through the sand, cracks, and spaces between the rocks into the ground below us. We must appreciate that we depend on groundwater supplies for drinking and irrigation, and that means that we must take care of our environment so that the water formation cycle is not interrupted.

Groundwater is needed for replenishing our bodies of water and wetlands.

This type of water is exposed to contamination by things like gasoline, pesticides, cleaners, pharmaceuticals, and other toxic substances, making it unhealthy for drinking.

The pollution of groundwater puts both humans and wildlife at risk.

Bottled Water: The truth can be ugly and disturbing when you realize that bottled water is potentially the worst type of fluid for drinking and that you should avoid it as much as you can. Because of ignorance, this ‘prestigious’ drink may be poisoning your body every day and any time you take a sip, you dig your pit even deeper.

This aqua liquid is supposed to bring with it a long list of health benefits. Unfortunately, bottled water has a negative impact on the health of both those who drink it and those who do not. The extent of the damage caused by these bottles to the environment is huge. The most disgusting bit is that only 10% of plastic bottles are recycled. Furthermore, a considerable amount of fuel is consumed delivering bottled waters and transporting the recycled bottles. Most of us believe that recycling bottles is the best practice because it leaves the environment clean and saves the earth from methane gases. Unfortunately, the recycling process is costly and not as beneficial as we would like to think.

Are you still bragging that you have been leading a healthy lifestyle, bottled H2O in hand? What is the solution then? Fortunately, that is a question with a straightforward answer! A single BPA-free container is an answer you are looking for if you want to eliminate your environmental impact as far as bottled water is concerned. A clean environment is a treasure and so is your health. Bisphenol A is a chemical that imitates estrogen and has a slew of potential health risks associated with it, yet it is found in certain plastic liquid-carrying bottles. It is even worse for a pregnant woman to use plastic bottled water as it puts more than one life in danger. We should all switch to glass immediately and leave plastic alone.

There are dangerous phthalate chemicals that are used to make plastics in order to make them flexible. These chemicals have the potential to cause many developmental and reproductive problems in children, men, and women.

It’s no secret that the water business is very lucrative; therefore, many companies are just in it to make money. Most of the “special aqua” that is sold is just tap water that is attractively bottled to appeal to you. The list of contaminations found in tap “H2O” includes prescription drugs, chlorine, aluminum, and fluoride, just to mention a few.

It is even worse when you expose your water bottle to heat. Ultraviolet rays and the sun’s rays put you at risk because they accelerate the leaching of chemicals into the water. Many people do not mind leaving their H2O in a heated car because they do not know it may be what is slowly killing them.

Vitamin water is another option that is very popular and enjoyed by many across the world. It is common knowledge that many people are obsessed with improving their health and their bodies. Because of this, we are very easily deceived by companies, which market and pose the so-called vitamin water as a health drink.

In most cases, the attractive bottle you are compelled to buy is nothing but the tap-water combined with dangerous synthetic food dyes and high-fructose corn syrup.

Why do you buy bottled water?

If it wasn’t so dangerous, it would be laughable to think that you spend a lot of money on this unsafe commodity because you believe it is healthy, high quality, portable and convenient.

Many buy it because they claim to prefer the taste of bottled water compared to tap water.

For lack of a better word, I would describe this as ironic because bottled water is nearly 1,900 times more expensive than tap water, but they are nearly the same quality and sometimes bottled water is even worse.

“This book was very informative. I did not know there were so many types of water and that water is not just water,  theres quality.”

Cynthia, Lisbon

If you drink these …

Grocery Types – These are the most common types of drinking water. You need some education to help you in choosing from a range of attractive bottled water displayed in your grocery store. Not all water is created equal and picking the wrong one will bring you more harm than good. From the grocer’s shelves, you are likely to see mineral, purified, spring, and mineral options, among others, all beautifully packaged to attract you. It is painful to discover that most of them, if not all, are simply filled with tap water and bottled for sale.

Water Testing – One way of ensuring that you have the better type of water, which is the only option if you are concerned with the health of yourself and others, involves testing. Testing your water before using it is not as complex a process as it sounds. Home testing is recommended. When your water stinks or leaves glaring evidence by way of a yellow or chalky residue, your water obviously contains contaminants. Why not call a professional who will send your water sample to a lab to ascertain whether it contains serious contaminants like lead, bacteria, viruses, and other chemicals?

The ideal solution – what water is best?

Can you actually find water that’s healthy? The good news is that there are optimal H2O choices available, which ultimately hydrate without putting your life at risk. You should have access to drinking “aqua” all throughout the day, irrespective of where you are, without compromising the quality or quantity.

Your drinking fluid should be slightly alkaline with the presence of an acceptable amount of magnesium and calcium minerals. You will be delighted to know that there is a way you can purify your aqua fluid whenever and wherever you are.

Filtration – From the comfort of your home, you can have access to the safest, cleanest filtered, and purified water. This makes a lot of sense. If you do not have a reliable way of filtration, mountain spring water from the high altitudes is a good alternative. The purified fluid is then stored safely in a BPA-free container. You have the ability to become a walking water-treatment facility! This is a sure way of making the world a better place for all. There are portable filters, which you can conveniently carry with you anywhere you go.  Try the SureAqua product.


Trekking Thirsty Business: Hiking Tips

Trekking Thirsty Business: Hiking Tips

Trekking What is your worst enemy?

It is vacation time! And that trekking adventure that you and your friends have been organizing is nowhere. You are getting your survivalist backpack ready, and you have packed everything you need in the travel kit … well, at least you think you have packed everything.

And then it hits you! Water! You can never have enough water in your emergency kit. Water is bulky! Trekking is a very thirsty experience. You are in a quandary; you do not know how much water you will need for survival, and even if you know that you drink ten liters every day, you do not know how you will carry even two days worth of water. Certainly not with your camping gear or trekking gear! But your goose isn’t cooked yet!

You should buy the best water filter & purifier and take it with you.

Why carry a portable water purifier? You dare not drink water from dubious sources!

Hiking will make you thirsty, and if you do not replenish your water supply in your water backpack frequently, you could become dehydrated. Believe me, and if you do not bring your portable water filter to help provide your drinking water, you will be tempted to drink from any source. Please do not do that. If this doesn’t result in your vacation ending immediately, you will pay dearly one way or another.


Instead, carry your portable water purifier. That makes things so easy, doesn’t it? Here is why:

  • With a water purifier, you can carry just enough water to drink, and you can filter more water as needed from different sources on your vacation.
  • Enjoy odorless water.
  • Drink water that doesn’t have funny tastes or flavors.

Water-related diseases cause close to 4 million deaths every year. While most of these deaths occur in developing countries, a fair number of them are from advanced countries where people contract diseases when they are camping, traveling in other countries, or hiking.

You do not have to become a statistic. With the use of the best water purifier, such as the ones offered by, you can drink fresh water irrespective of where you are traveling – in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, or even in your own country. Buy your own portable water filter and drink clean water wherever you go in the world, especially important when you are trekking.

Preparing your Survival Kit

If you are a savvy traveler, you know very well that you should not leave without one of the best water filters and that your survival kit must have a few liters of water, how people kid themselves!

In a disaster like the Nepal earthquake, how long would the few liters of water in your emergency essentials keep you alive?

When on vacation, you need the best water purifier to filter your own drinking water. Bottles are perfect—order one today here.


“Just went on my long-planned trekking vacation in South Africa. I carried my own  bottle, and I am enjoying fresh, clean water every day.”

Charlotte, Brisbane

Will it pass through customs?

C’mon… of course, it will. It is not as if you are bringing a whole water purification plant through the airport with you. It is just a water bottle that has been advanced several stages because it comes with its own water filtration system. Thus, when on vacation in your own country or hiking abroad, it has the best portable water purifier. Order yours today and keep it in your emergency kit. Be safe! The best portable water purifier for you. Order yours today and keep it in your emergency kit. Be safe!


Be safe!

You have a few potential solutions:

  • Emergency Kit: You can leave your survival kit behind and carry water instead. That is not very appealing as you really do not want to leave some essential items like a first aid box behind!
  • You can replace your dry rations with water. Yes, it sounds like a great idea, but then you remember… water has no calories, and you will need plenty of those for trekking.  Pack as much water as your survivalist kit can hold, but this may not be for the best since you want to travel light because most of the time that
  • Pack as much water as your survivalist kit can hold, but this may not be for the best since you want to travel light because most of the time, that backpack will be on your back.

But you don’t have to worry. We have a solution for you. You can have your cake and eat it too! Buy your own method to purify and filter water, and then you don’t have to worry about water anymore!  The purifiers smart water are made for just that — to enable you to filter water when you are on the go.

In a three-step filtration process using patented technology, you can get rid of viruses, bacteria, odors, and tastes from your water. It makes it safe to drink with the best portable water bottle, SureAqua Bottle, and best portable water filter pump, SureAqua Pump

Trekking Emergency Kit

Is it true the SureAqua products are made for trekking?

Trekking is no doubt fun, but it is one of the thirstiest outdoor activities you can undertake. Hitting the trail in your own country or in places that you know very well are great, but as you will find out, it is another thing altogether when you are on a long trek in a foreign country, especially if you do not have one of the best camping water filters.

Here are some challenges you will face:

  • You will always run out of clean water, that is for sure. You will be tempted to drink water from any available sources.
  • You will be tempted to drink water from any available sources. The water you find is most likely contaminated – with viruses, bacteria, strange
  • Any water you find is most likely contaminated – with viruses, bacteria, E.Coli, strange odors, and flavors. You can’t trust that store-bought water is always what they claim it is.
  • You can’t trust that store-bought water is always what they claim it is.

As much as you will be enjoying the scenery, the flora, and the fauna, one of the most constant worries gnawing at the back of your mind will be whether your water will last you through the trek. No matter how much water you carry, it will not last long. When you are on foot, just how much water can you carry?


Long Lasting memories Trekking

Trekking is a very thirsty job, and only the most prepared trekkers make it back home without having suffered dehydration; and they do this by using water filters. Here is what we promise you: You can filter as much water as you need to drink with the Sure Aqua Bottle.

  • You can filter as much water as you need to drink with the bottle. You will be using patented technology, a top-of-the-range filtration system.
  • You will be using patented technology, a top-of-the-range filtration system. Carbon takes care of any chemicals and odors in the water.
  • Carbon takes care of any chemicals and odors in the water.

Err on the side of caution – trust only water that you have filtered

Imagine you are in a foreign country. You have your survival kit and dry food that can last you through an emergency of, say, three days or even five. You have water — bottled water. You are tempted to drink it straight from the bottle that it came in, but you are wondering whether it is safe like many skeptical people. It is not! When you are far away from home, you are picky, and you are never sure of things, and—most importantly—you cannot be too careful.

Do not buy water and drink it! Buy it, filter it with water purifiers and then drink. With the patented technology that the filters come with, any water that passes through the portable water filter is guaranteed to be 100% safe.

The source of the water does not matter. It will be cleansed for you; then, you can drink it without fear. Who wants to carry gallons of water for their survival when they can sanitize water from every source with SureAqua filters and purifiers you can drink it safely?


Goodbye, canteen era! Welcome filtration water bottles, smart water!

Trekking Canteen

The era of the water canteen ended with the frontiersmen who rode in the Wild West. Today, we are in the age of filtration water bottles where you get to carry water, and a means to filter water from different sources to make it fresh, sweet, odor-free, and healthy. If you are going trekking in another country in summer, carry your own bottle and thank me later!


Why should you take the Sure Aqua products e when hiking or trekking?

Well… for many reasons, I will tell you one thing: any water bottle that doesn’t have a filtration system is just like an old-fashioned canteen. Ok, it will keep you hydrated if you don’t mind fetching water from the creek cowboy style and drinking it without sanitizing it. However, germ-laden hydration is not going to do you much good when trekking.

We have a solution for you! It is the Sure Aqua bottle, Sure Aqua Straw, SureAqua Light

Do not leave for your camping vacation without one of the SureAqua Bottleor the SureAqua Straw. That would be a big mistake, as you are putting your survival at risk.

This portable water filter could be the difference between life and death for you in an emergency. Make sure it gets the first slot in your survival kit.

It would be hard to explain why this water bottle is the best hiking water purifier. It the smart water option.

You have to experience what it can do to understand it. With a reliable portable water filter, you will not have to worry about whether you have enough drinking water, irrespective of where you will be hiking or trekking. This bottle and straw:

I love the outdoors, but I have always had a problem with water until I got the SureAqua bottle. This is a godsend!
Andrea Moreno, Connecticut

  • It is tested under the most stringent international standards, and it meets all of them,
  • It uses a three-stage purification process – a pre-filtering stage, a 0.01 Micron filtering to get rid of viruses and bacteria, and finally, carbon filtering to remove tastes, odors, and heavy metals.
  • Is it very affordable? The main goal is not profit but to give people from all walks of life a shot at decent and clean drinking water.


You have seen how vital water is when you are trekking. As soon as you run out of water, you will have a choice of drinking water from any available source and risk falling ill, or you can purify yours and drink it safely. Luckily, with the water purifiers, you can have clean drinking water every day and night.


10 Tips to Avoid Falling Victim to Contaminated Water while Traveling

10 Tips to Avoid Falling Victim to Contaminated Water while Traveling

Access to Safe Water While Traveling to Avoid Contaminated Water

If you don’t ensure you have access to safe water while you’re traveling, it can have much more serious consequences than a case of diarrhea by contaminated water.

“Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink” – Barney Scott

It could cost you your life.  Serious travelers’ viruses like typhoid, polio, hepatitis A and cholera can all be caught by drinking contaminated water or food. It is as easy as vegetables being washed with contaminated water. Viruses like Schistosomiasis and Leptospirosis are transmitted by swimming or bathing in contaminated water.

Travel Tips to avoid getting ill

However, these diseases are rare and can be easily avoided with a little caution. If you’re unsure about an area’s access to safe water, make sure you do the following travel tips:

  1. Be aware of what you eat: It’s more important to worry about what you’re eating, not where. Many travelers will assume restaurants won’t use contaminated water, and street sellers will. Unfortunately, it is never that simple.
  2. Street food is often the best food around. It’s cheap, delicious, and authentic. Street sellers and restaurants alike will have access to the same water system. Instead of avoiding particular places to eat, be careful to avoid any food with uncooked vegetables that could have been washed in contaminated water.
  3. Do your research: Find out what waterborne diseases are present in the area you are planning to travel to, and look up particular ways to avoid those diseases. Once you arrive, ask a local about waterborne diseases as well.
  4. Bring your own drugs. Legal, of course: Bring some medication with you for common diseases or illnesses in the area you’re traveling to.
  5. Unfortunately, diarrhea is inevitable in some countries. Diarrhea drugs can be either electrolyte, bulking agents, absorbents or anti-inflammatories. Do your research to know which will be more appropriate for the area you’re traveling to.
  6. Don’t make friends with salad: Avoid salads or unpeeled fruits. They may have been washed with contaminated water. If you really must, rinse your food yourself with safe, purified water.
  7. Keep your hands clean: Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap before and after eating, going to the toilet or changing nappies. Keep a little bottle of hand sanitizer with you for those times when you don’t have access to hot water and soap.
  8. Don’t swim before you ask a local: No matter how good that water looks, always ask a local if the water is safe before swimming or bathing in rivers, creeks, lagoons, or lakes.
  9. Get insured: Make sure your travel insurance includes basic hospital cover, as a minimum.
  10. Invest in a good water purification system. Bottled water is never the best option. A device like the Sure Aqua Bottle

When you are traveling in a country without access to safe water, in danger to your health. You can help you to re-appreciate how lucky you are to have access to safe water in your own country.


Africa Water – What Water Crisis?

Africa Water – What Water Crisis?

How the Lack of a Clean Water Source is affecting the Poverty, Education, and Aid resulting by Africa Water

Is Africa water still in crisis?

Although there is safe drinking water in some parts of Africa, an overwhelming number of countries in Africa lack the infrastructure to provide a safe water source for many of their communities. As many as 2,500 people die as the direct result of drinking from a dirty polluted Africa water source every day.  According to David Damberger, an expert on NGO infrastructure in Africa, maintaining the water source infrastructure is where NGOs are failing to provide Africa water, not installing them. In several places, water systems have been reinstalled just meters away from pre-existing ones as funding is provided on the premise that the NGO creates something new.

Human Rights – Safe Drinking Water

Access to clean drinking water from an accessible water source is a fundamental human right. The infrastructure is consistently unreliable, and so governments and NGOs need to invest in alternative solutions like Sure Aqua technology.

Africa needs a way to access safe drinking water when the infrastructure breaks down or becomes polluted. If Africa could be provided with an affordable, reusable, portable water filtration system that doesn’t rely on batteries, electricity, or expensive chemicals, like the Sure Aqua water filter systems, the number of deaths and illnesses in Africa would dramatically decrease.

In much of Africa, water sources are often both scarce and polluted.  In many cases, women and children throughout Africa walk more than 20 kilometers to the nearest water source that contains drinkable Africa water. Even after traveling that far the water often contains harmful bacteria. The benefit of Sure Aqua products is that they are completely portable, providing a safe water source wherever you go.

The Water Solution

With Sure Aqua technology one can drink from any water source, offering the potential to minimize how far the people have to go to collect water and ensuring the water collected is safe to drink. Unfortunately, the time it takes to collect water for many families prevents women from generating income and children from going to school, furthering the cycle of poverty.

East Africa is currently experiencing the worst drought in 60 years. As a result, thousands of families from all over Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia are leaving their communities to seek food and water in one of the increasingly overcrowded and under-equipped refugee camps in the area.

A large proportion of East Africa’s population, especially in Ethiopia, lives off the land. Without water the crops don’t grow, the animals die, and families are left not only without any income but also without food or water.  Attempts are being made to rectify the Africa water situation, but so far, progress hasn’t been able to keep up with the increasing demand for aid.

Be Prepared when travelling to drink water in Africa

Anyone traveling to Africa, especially East Africa, in the recent future should make special precautions to ensure access to a water source and a water purification system. Do some research on the area to find out about the current situation. Also, remember that although people generally don’t wish to harm you, poverty breeds crime, so be street smart to avoid winding up in a sticky situation.

When reading about Africa or planning to travel there, it is vital to grasp how versatile Africa is. Many in the West seem to think of Africa as a single country. We associate it with images of charity commercials featuring starving children with swollen bellies. However, far from this image, Africa is a varied continent. Each country has its own culture, traditions, languages, music, and of course, problems. To have true empathy for Africa, one must understand its joys as well as its sorrows


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