Backpacking Water Filter

Backpacking Water Filter

Why should I carry a Backpacking Water Filter?

It is probably a safe statement to make to say that for the majority of backpackers, a tight budget is a focus.   Backpackers would look at areas (the obvious and less obvious) to save money.  Seasoned backpackers are aware of many of the traps that the less experienced may fall into – from the cheap accommodation options, cheap eats to the less obvious areas of what to avoid.   

You can blow a lot of money unnecessarily, on buying bottled water.  Westerners have a  perception that the bottle is free of bacteria and cysts.          

You do not need to buy water to avoid potentially lethal local tap water. Bottled water is not necessarily clean water. There should be a concern about buying cheap water as it is likely to be just untreated tap water. Would it be worth the risk with your health? 

For the price of less than a cent per liter, a Sure Aqua product will deliver you hundreds of liters of microbiologically safe drinking water.   That is no bacteria or viruses.

You don’t need to compromise on quality. The cost with the Sure Aqua product will pale into insignificance over just a week.

Travel Safe, Travel Green with These Nifty Little Backpacking Water Filters

You get travel insurance, you visit your travel health medical center, purchase a guide and great boots, so doesn’t it make sense to get the protection of one of the world’s best backpacking water filter products – Sure Aqua products – also offers powerful benefits for the environment.

Travel Lighter, Healthier, and Greener with Sure Aqua Products

Part of the backpacking ethos is to tread lightly on the earth and to travel responsibly. But you can’t ignore the health risks of contaminated drinking water.

Chlorine-based tablets are compact and highly effective against multiple sources of polluted water – with two distinct downsides;

  1. they taste dreadful,
  2. they are not entirely effective in eradicating waterborne parasites.

Whether you choose a Sure Aqua Straw, Sure Aqua Bottle, or Sure Aqua Travel for your backpacking adventures, all these water filters will cleanse a minimum of 500 liters (132 gallons) or 10000 liters (2640 gallons), depending on the product you choose.  All the products remove bacteria and cysts using a capillary membrane to effectively remove waterborne bacteria, parasites, and cysts (oocysts).  It can be used as municipal tap water, and freshwater lake and creek water filter.

Backpacking through any wilderness areas, you only see how pristine they seem. However, always take a Sure Aqua product water filter backpacking with you and be sure to use it, as unseen contamination will be present in water sources worldwide.

For example, if you choose to buy a Sure Aqua Straw that filters up to 500 liters (132 gallons), this is the rough equivalent of 2,000 250mls bottles; it’s easy to see how much money you’ll save with these backpacking water filters and how you can slash the weight of your backpack gear.

How Can Sure Aqua Product Backpacking Filters Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Chances are, before knowing about Sure Aqua products,  you were buying bottled water as you travel and adding the greenhouse gases to the environment.

These figures will amaze you. It takes around 17 million barrels of oil each year to make 29 billion plastic bottles – and the world consumes far more bottled water than that while only recycling a small percentage of the bottles, meaning more and more raw materials are being used.

It’s estimated with each bottle manufactured, 100 grams of carbon gas is created – and more than 33 million tonnes are used each year to bottle water. Then add the effect on the environment of transporting billions of cartons of bottled water around the globe.

Should we also get into the pollution caused by discarded bottles, unnecessary crowding of our landfills, or the toxic fumes released if the bottles are incinerated.

As an individual, if you consume bottled water regularly, you can reduce your carbon footprint by around 600 kg per year by switching to the pocket-sized Sure Aqua Straw (500 liters) water filters, or 1200kg when choosing the Sure Aqua Bottle (1000 liters).

Backpacking demands a different way of thinking about your world and how to protect it. Sure Aqua products are the ideal backpack filter. It takes up virtually no room and is cheap, quick, and easy to use.

Why wait?


Travel Water Bottle Keeps you SAFE when travelling abroad

Travel Water Bottle Keeps you SAFE when travelling abroad

Can a Travel Water Bottle Keep you Safe Abroad?

One of the main concerns for many people when traveling abroad is whether the water will be safe to drink. A travel water bottle with an inbuilt water purifier is your solution for clean drinking water when you are out of your country. If you frequently travel either within your own country or to different parts of the world, getting uncontaminated water is sheer luck. Your health is too important to risk drinking unpurified water.

Whether or not you frequently travel either within your own country or to different parts of the world, getting uncontaminated drinking water is sheer luck. Your health is too important to risk drinking unfiltered and unpurified water. WHAT IS YOUR PRICE?

All travelers have one problem in common– the lack of purified, safe drinking water! More importantly, the lack of confidence to access clean, safe, drinkable water. Statistics show that more than 50% of diseases worldwide are related to contaminated water.

More than half of all the people who visit international holiday destinations go back home suffering from a waterborne disease. When traveling, you can never assume that the drinking water is safe. You will need a good Travel Water Bottle– one that has both a purifier and filtration system so that you can cleanse your own water.

Overseas Travel water bottle

Can you really have safe drinking water on the go?

Yes! Why risk your health with unsafe drinking water when you can have the cleanest and safest water whenever you desire it?


  1. You can get our water bottle with a built-in water purifier – a product that has been tried, tested, and proven in the market. Being tested by governments and militaries around the world. So confident is SureAqua that they offer a 100% money-back guarantee
  2. Get your water purified from all manner of contamination, including bacteria, odors, tastes, and even viruses! Clean water does not have to be costly! You will find our SureAqua bottle very affordable.
  3. Don’t be a statistic. For example, many people develop a condition called Bali Belly when they go to Asia. This condition can be easily avoided. Just drink water that you have purified yourself with your own convenient SureAqua bottle.
  4. “I take bottled water with me”… really! Just as you can only be certain that you are eating healthy when you make your own food, you can only really be sure that your water is safe when you have purified it yourself. Otherwise, it could be a marketing gimmick for water packaging companies when they claim their water is 100% pure. It’s better to err on the side of caution. Purify your own water.

Purify your own water on the go!

In some instances, the water might look palatable, but it may contain some microorganisms that could cause you a lot of harm. The SureAqua Bottle has been designed with a purifier, meaning that you can purify any water irrespective of its level of contamination (of course within reasonable parameters) as long as you first pass it through the filters in this water bottle. This travel water bottle is the only assurance for your health when traveling abroad.

Bottled water that you buy from the stores is not 100% safe. Thus, the only way to be sure that you are drinking safe water as you travel is to purify your own water with a portable water travel bottle.

Why should you be concerned about the water you drink?

As mentioned earlier, waterborne diseases are the most frequently diagnosed ailments. Water pollution is prevalent everywhere in the world, and even rainwater is not clean. Water sources often contain various known and unknown contaminants.

Even bottled water is not safe!

That is the truth! Most of the time, bottled water is nothing more than glorified tap water that has been given minimal treatment, but there are some viruses and other microorganisms that can only be destroyed by extreme heat.

To say the least, you can never be sure that you are drinking purified water. Particularly in third-world countries, bottled water is just that…tap water that has been bottled and then sold at ridiculously low prices.

What are some of the common pollutants in water?

They include bacteria such as Salmonella typhi, parasites, viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals. The presence of chemicals and heavy metals in water is undetectable. You are unlikely to spot lead, mercury, or any other harmful chemicals in water without the aid of a microscope.

This is why it is essential to purify water before drinking. When you are in a foreign land, somewhere in the mountains, or on the outskirts of a central town where bottled water is unavailable, you may be tempted to drink any water available. This can be very harmful to your health.

However, with our portable water travel bottle with a purifier, you can drink any water wherever you are without the fear of catching a waterborne disease.

Granted, the quality of the tap water in your country could be great, but you cannot say the same about other countries in Africa and Asia. As we have said, you cannot be too careful about your health.

Our water bottle is light and straightforward. It is convenient to travel with. It will pass through customs easily, and you really cannot afford to leave it behind. This simple, everyday necessity could mean the difference between health and illness in your travels to different parts of the world. You do not want illness to ruin your dream vacation or your exciting adventures to other countries.

What does the SureAqua Bottle Deliver?

Besides the safe of mind of drinking safe clean water. Knowing that you won’t get sick from the water you are drinking. Besides knowing that you will get to enjoy your holiday, the SureAqua Bottle will:


  1. The travel water bottle has an advanced purifier, which can remove 99.99% of all the impurities commonly found in water. It removes contaminants, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites, utilizing the ultra-filtration process.
  2. The water is passed via filter membranes, which permit water molecules to pass through while preventing the pollutants from passing through.
  3. The purifier in the water bottle comprises silver-impregnated carbon, which is capable of cleaning the taste, removing notorious heavy metals and chemicals.
  4. Of course, this water bottle will enable you to enjoy clean, portable filtered water wherever you go. This could well be the device of the 21st century as it affects human health directly. At last, man has the technology to conquer easily common ailments that infiltrate our water sources.

Tested and proven across the board

The SureAqua Bottle has been tested, tried, and proven to meet all industry standards.

This bottle has been designed with the long-distance traveler in mind. It is easy to fit in a backpack or to grip your hand. It is lightweight for ease of travel and convenience.

How to order your portable travel water bottle

With all this information in mind, you can understand why the SureAqua Bottle with its purifier is so important for your health and peace of mind.


Sure Aqua Bottle Design Features

It is not designed to carry a lot of water, but it is created to enable you to have filtered and clean water for drinking whenever you need it. The filter can remove contaminants of all kinds such as chemicals, heavy metals, viruses, and bacteria, as well as odors and bad tastes whether you are camping, traveling overseas, on a military.

The filter can remove contaminants of all kinds such as chemicals, heavy metals, viruses, and bacteria as well as odors and bad tastes. Whether you are camping, traveling overseas, on a military mission, or you find yourself in a natural disaster area, the SureAqua bottle will ensure that you have safe water to drink.

The portable water travel bottle and purifier filter the water and make it safe for drinking in three steps. It begins by filtering out the soil sediments and any other foreign objects. This is followed by the aggressive removal of bacteria, viruses, and cysts. Finally, it removes the heavy metals, chemicals, foul odors, and tastes. By the time the entire process is over, the water is thoroughly purified and safe for drinking.

Finally, it removes the heavy metals, chemicals, foul odors, and tastes. By the time the entire process is over, the water is fully purified and safe for drinking.

“We are lucky enough to travel. We have been ill a few times. Since we been using the SureAqua products we don’t get ill any more!”

Chris & the family

“Never again will I leave my portable water filter behind after I spent a straight 5 hours in a toilet in India.”

Christina, Wellington

Prolong the life of your SureAqua Bottle

It is certain that the SureAqua Bottle has high capabilities. You might be tempted to make it a multipurpose bottle or even try to stretch its functionalities. So, what must you avoid when using this travel water bottle to ensure that it lasts a long time?

DON’T put carbonated drinks or soda in the bottle. Most ordinary water bottles are multipurpose but not this one. It is designed for water only, and such beverages can destroy its filters.

DON’T try to filter seawater. This bottle is made for the pollution thresholds of fresh water and not the hard, salty water. Any attempt of this kind will strain the filters and quickly decrease their functionality.

DON’T tip the bottle up when drinking. The right way to hold it is in the upright position or with a small tilt of 45 degrees.


Your portable water travel bottle is covered by a warranty of one year. This covers all the defects that might have been caused by the manufacturer. You can find more about the warranty in the user manual or in our Warranty Page.

Given the care that such a wonderful solution to water purification problems deserves, the water bottle filters can last up to three years or more.

We also have a refund policy. This applies when the product we ship to you does not match your order or is damaged along the way. In such a case, we ensure that we deliver the right product. For more information about this portable purified water bottle, you are welcome to see our FAQ page.


Why take the risk with unpurified water? You can drink portable purified water wherever you go. For a one-off price, you can own your own SureAqua Bottle—the perfect solution for all illnesses caused by contaminated water.


Water Filters a must in every Emergency Essentials Kit

Water Filters a must in every Emergency Essentials Kit

What Is It That Must Be Included In The List Of Emergency Essentials?

We live in a world that presents us with both opportunities and threats in equal measures. We all need to survive every challenge that Mother Nature can throw at us. As a prepper (the person living in survival mode), there is no better way to prepare for any emergency situation than to have an emergency kit fully stocked with essentials for survival. One of them must be a portable water bottle.

No one can accurately predict the events that will unfold in the future. But this should not prevent us from preparing for any possible situation. We should always brace for the worst. How well are you prepared for a disaster? Water? Food? Dry rations? SureAqua Water filtered water bottle? Go through your checklist again; it is better to err on the side of caution. Be a real prepper at heart!

Purified water is life!

At the core of disaster preparedness is water. Yes prepper, water is life! But not just any water – clean, safe, purified water is life. We are mostly sure that the water that we drink at our homes is safe and free from E. coli. You can be completely sure if you use a filter water bottle.

We know our water at home is probably safe because the relevant authorities have gone the extra mile to meet the health standards. But we are adventurous people. We like hiking and traveling abroad to enjoy the diverse beauty and landscapes of various environments. We very much love to visit those remote parts of the world to cherish the wonders of nature and to break the monotony of our cities and workplaces. However, do we remember our portable water bottles?

I recently went to Egypt on a vacation. I fully enjoyed the view of the Great Pyramids in the desert without being dehydrated by the scorching sun thanks to my SureAqua bottle that I carried with me.

Frederick, Melbourne

Such a sense of adventure is enshrined in our instincts, and it should never be inhibited due to any fears we might possess regarding the safety of the water we drink. It is normal for a prepper to be concerned about their family’s health when they take off on that important vacation. But now with the GoFreshWater bottle in your survival gear, you do not have to worry anymore.

This smart water filter bottle will take care of your family, certainly more than any other currently in the market! It will give you the assurance that your family will not be without pure water to drink no matter where you go or what circumstances you encounter. Make sure to add this wonderful portable water bottle from the Sure Aqua Company to your list of emergency essentials today!

Will your dream vacation be ruined again? Not when you have a SureAqua product!

Travel-adventuresIt is a total nightmare to have to abort a trip overseas just because a waterborne disease has infected you or your partner after consuming contaminated non-purified water. If you were not aware of the dangers of drinking contaminated water or if you acted carelessly in a moment of thirst, not only will your vacation be ruined but also you will have to spend a significant amount of your money to seek treatment.


Today, there are viral and bacterial diseases that can never fully be cured; they hibernate just to resurface later. Nobody wants to have a recurrent disease caused by E. coli. Fortunately, the chance of contracting such diseases will be significantly minimized when you purchase a filtered water bottle for yourself and your family at a low price – a much lower cost than any medical bills you could otherwise incur. You can add one to your survival gear HERE.

Why should you trust a product from the portable water filter and purifiers from SureAqua Portable?

Because of the importance of water in our lives, there are a number of water purifiers in the market today. But not every filter water bottle can guarantee you completely purified water. Others are bulky to carry around, while some brands failed to incorporate the latest technology during the product’s design phase. On the other hand, our product is a portable water purifier that stands above the rest in design and in results. Our research and development team is constantly striving to look for ways in which Sure Aqua  – a pure water filter bottle – can be improved to better meet the ever-evolving consumer requirements. In fact, we value our customer feedback, and we take any suggestions and insights on how to improve the filter bottle under consideration.

Do not underestimate the importance of water…and the survival gear too!

All over the globe, the prevalence of terrorism is increasing. The terror activities are usually targeted at tourists, especially those from Western countries. For instance, there was a recent attack in Tunisia that left several Westerners dead. Others were quickly evacuated.

For the survivors of such attacks, there is an immediate need for an emergency water purification solution. You do not want to have to worry about becoming dehydrated in an already chaotic situation, for example, if you are taken to an evacuation center that feels like an oven from the heat of being packed full of the survivors. Your portable GoFreshWater smart water purifier will become quite useful to you and other survivors should your worst fears come true.

It is also important to note that the planet is warming fast. Global warming has often triggered or accelerated the frequency of the occurrence of natural disasters, at the same time widening the magnitude of their destructive power. As a frequent traveler, you can easily find yourself suddenly in the middle of a disaster-stricken region of the globe. It could be a tsunami, an earthquake, or a typhoon. The pure water sources and pipes will have been destroyed and the water contaminated.

While waiting for rescue, how will you survive for days without clean water?

The simple solution to the above question lies in the early preparation you should undertake for an emergency situation. Armed with the knowledge of the importance of water, it is obligatory that you immediately add a portable water filter to your list of emergency essentials, as it might one day be your savior during a life-threatening situation.

Most emergency essential experts all around the globe recommend the GoFresh filtered water bottle as a perfect choice for smart water preparation. Therefore, you can be confident that you are making the best choice for the safety of you and your family, and you can order your filter water bottle HERE.

Another reason to include SureAqua in your list of emergency essentials

So what exactly makes the SureAqua filter bottle the ultimate choice in comparison with other portable water filters?  What sets it apart from other water filter bottles?  What makes it the world’s most trusted portable water purifier and filter for a prepper?

There are numerous answers to these questions. Some of them include the following:

  • SureAqua pure water filter has a spill-free mouthpiece. This is important in that you can comfortably carry around the bottle in your survival gear backpack together with your electronic devices without the fear of spills that can lead to data loss or malfunctioning equipment. Notably, other portable water filters in the market lack this feature.
  • The emergency water purification bottle comes with a well-tested ultra-filtration membrane that uses the latest in water purification technology to neutralize bacteria such as E. coli and viruses that make people sick. It is indeed a smart water purifier!
  • It is true that water that has an odor, though pure, is not desirable. It is also true that excess chemicals like fluoride can be harmful to your teeth and body. The SureAqua filter bottle – the ultimate pure water filter – solves this problem through its patented purifying media, which is primarily made up of an activated carbon component that filters out chemicals and odors.
  • Most importantly, the sophisticated portable water filter and purifier come at an affordable price – less than 50 dollars, if you can even believe that!
  • Get your bottle and you will see first hand the amazing results from the patented three-stage filtration technology.


As a prepper, you now understand the importance of incorporating an emergency water purification bottle in your list of emergency essentials, especially while traveling overseas or even to remote areas within the country. Neither you nor your family members need to be at risk of falling sick from drinking contaminated water overseas any longer. You deserve to enjoy each day you spend on that memorable holiday. Take the initiative now – order SureAqua portable water filter bottle HERE

I was in Nepal when the earthquake struck. All I can say is that the SureAqua Bottle became my ‘guardian angel’. I am glad that I added it to my list of emergency essentials.

Sheena & Chris, Perth

“Just got back from Bali. Great holiday! Loved it. Especially not getting Bali Belly. So so many people got sick… Great investment Plan to tell all my friends”


Water Camping? The Dangers of Camping near Water

Water Camping? The Dangers of Camping near Water

Reasons why not to camp near a body of water

So you’ve decided to brave the wilderness and go camping. It’s essential you know what you’re doing to minimize harm to the environment and have a good time. Make sure your not Water Camping.

Be very selective when choosing your campsite. Inexperienced campers often opt for water camping, setting up camp by the edge of a body of water with the idea of waking up and leaping straight in. Although water camping always seems like a good idea, it very rarely is.

Hygiene is the #1 cause of Gastro

There are several reasons why water camping is usually a bad idea:

  • Mosquitos can breed in any body of water and are usually rife around creeks, rivers, waterholes, and lagoons. If you camp near the water, you’re likely to be kept up scratching and swatting.
  • You’re more likely to get wet. Many water bodies are tidal, so even when you think you’re far enough away from the water, you can wake up three-inches deep in water. It’s also likely that the plants and the ground around the water have retained a lot of the moisture. This can mean the water comes through the bottom of your tent and seems to seep into everything.
  • If you’re in a well-known area, water camping can end up being a very public, noisy experience. What seemed to be a private oasis when you set up a camp can quickly turn into some theme park for teenagers and obnoxious tourists.
  • Water camping can have a very negative effect on the ecosystem. The plants and wildlife around a water body are particularly vulnerable, especially if there is any hanging swamp. As a general rule, make your campsite a minimum of 200 feet away from any natural water source.

Did you know nearly 96% of people suffer from Gastro in their life

So, where should you camp?

It’s best to choose a private spot with some protection from the elements. Go for an area hidden by an incline in the land or under cover of low trees. However, be careful of tall trees as they can lose branches at any time and are especially dangerous during storms or when there are strong winds.

Despite the downsides of water camping, don’t stray so far away from a body of water that you don’t have reasonably easy access to water . If you do all this, you can be sure to have a camping trip that is more private, comfortable, and sustainable.


To minimize your impact on the environment while camping, be careful when bathing and washing up.

Avoid using harsh soaps or chemicals, as these can severely damage the ecosystem and pollute any body of water.

Instead, embrace your surroundings and opt for using sand as a natural scrub for your body and campfire ashes as an alternative to dishwashing liquid.

It’s also a good idea to know the essentials of water purification before you go to ensure your camping water is safe.



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