Why do I need a Camping Water Filter

Why do I need a Camping Water Filter

Portable Water Filtration Perfect for Camping

When you’re camping or hiking, you don’t want to load yourself down. After all, you’re getting away from it all, not taking it all with you. You want compact camping equipment and ultralight hiking gear, but you also need to carry health and safety gear, including a camping water filter that is light, compact, and reliable.

Around the world, there are so many pristine locations to establish camp and to hike in breathtaking beauty. The forests of Germany, the Italian Alps, the Canadian Rockies, New Zealand’s Milford Track, The Pyrenees in southern France, a quiet burn in the Scottish highlands, an established tent village in Kenya, the heritage-listed Daintree, Australia – and the list goes on.

Wherever you overnight under canvas, there’s one common worldwide threat. Waterborne bacteria are potentially present in every water source, including municipal tap water. Parasitic cysts for Giardia and Cryptosporidium may also be in water sources worldwide, with Cryptosporidium, in particular, posing a critical short or long-term health risk.

Did you know?  95% of all water ways contain sickening bacteria!

Organic Taste removal Carbon Blocks

Hiking Water Purification Was Never This Easy

There is no longer a need to boil and store up camping water. There is no need to cart gallons of clean drinking water to the campsite when there is a close-by water source. Your worries of drinking water contaminated water from crystal clear stream that actually is heavily contaminated water with bacterial, parasitic and cysts.

With Sure Aqua, products you can drink from local water supplies, lake water, spring water, and other water sources with confidence. It’s an ideal purification treatment for counteracting the threat of ‘Beaver Fever,’ also known as Giardiasis, so named because of the gastrointestinal sickness resulting from ingesting the Giardia cysts that inhabit water sources downstream from beaver dams.

Turn bacteria-contaminated water into clean water simply by sipping through the best portable and or pocket-sized,  ultra-light camping filter on the market, and the kids will think it’s fun – so no nagging needed. The Sure Aqua products are ingeniously designed to trap dangerous substances by filtering water through a 0.2-micron filtration membrane. As in Sure Aqua products OR 0.01 micron as in Sure Aqua products+ and Sure Aqua Bottle. With proper use, it will filter up to 500 liters (132 gallons) OR 1000 liters (264 gallons) depending on the product selected, ensuring you have clean camping and hiking water to drink.


Did you know nearly 20% of your body mass is Carbon!

Camping Water Filters are essential for health

Camping and hiking are great for your heart and well-being. Sure Aqua products are an essential complement for your healthy lifestyle and maintaining your health and well-being.

Our chemical-free, water purifying products will fit perfectly in your camping kit, hiking gear, or just slip it in your pocket to go. Every member of your family can have their own personal portable water filter– including your kids so they can be even more independent.


Do you need a camping water filter?

Do you need a camping water filter?

Why Do You Need A Camping Water Filter For Your Trip? Let’s Find Out

I am back to tell you about the Sure Aqua camping water filter. If you are ever planning on going camping, you had better pay attention. Camping is thirsty work, and it requires you to get a few things ready ahead of time. For example, do you have your survival gear ready? Do you have a means for emergency water purification?

I’ll ask again… have you thought about water?

If you intend to camp for one to two weeks or so, can you possibly carry enough water, food, and other supplies to see you through the entire time? It’s next to impossible! I will tell you what you need to do—carry enough water just for one day. Bring just enough for day one of camping and carry a camping water filter to purify your own water! Yes, order your own portable water pump today. It’s readily available.

It’s better to err on the side of caution when drinking water. Camping can be very dehydrating! Thirst is worse than hunger because it will kill you faster. Therefore, you will be tempted to carry gallons and gallons of water in your camping gear. But you will need some space for dry food and your emergency kit.

How much water is enough?

When you think about having enough drinking water, you know that you can never be too cautious.  It is better to err on the side of caution! You do not want your camping trip to be cut short before it has even started, do you? Bali Belly, Montezuma’s Revenge, and many other afflictions that affect travelers are always lurking nearby to make you cut your vacation short. However, this time around I will show you how to kick all of them in the rear to ensure you have an illness-free vacation. It is easy! Just order your SureAqua camping water filter today, and you will be set for a long time.

“We go camping every year, but last year our son Drake contracted traveler’s diarrhea in Colorado. This time, we were taking no chances. We carried our own water filter bottles.”

Sherlin and Tim, Connecticut

Camping Water Solutions

Why do you need a portable water pump?   There are many reasons, but I will remind you of just a few of the most important ones:

  • Have fresh, odorless, chemical-free, and clean water for drinking any time you need it, anywhere you may be.
  • Serve as many people as you have in your troop with clean and healthy drinking water.
  • Use state-of-the-art, tested, tried, proven, and patented three-stage filtration technology to enjoy the cleanest, safest drinking water in the world.
  • Avoid traveler’s diarrhea­—you know, conditions like Montezuma’s revenge and Bali Belly where your stomach runs so much it leaves you dehydrated in a matter of hours.
  • Enjoy every single day of your vacation. No sick days at all.
  • Use your camping water filter as many times as you like. This device is manufactured with a lifespan of up to, if not more than, 10 years.

Filtering the water, you drink with your own portable water pump is like cooking healthy food. You eat with confidence because you know what went into the pot. When you filter your own water, you drink it with confidence because you know it is clean.

Water Cleaning Technology

3-stage filtration technology The Sure Aqua portable filter comes in a very practical yet simplistic design. Now, simplicity is something that everyone needs when they are on a camping trip. With this filter, you just need to pour in water, filter it and drink it. No big deal, right? Yes, it is a big deal because, by the time you drink your water purified with the portable water pump, it will:

  • Be free of unpleasant odors – all drinking water should be odorless unless it has been flavored.
  • Be chemical-free because this filter takes away all the chemicals that might be present in the water.
  • Be free of heavy metals, which have long-term health effects. The so-lauded spring water sold in stores could still have these impurities. How do you know it is appropriately filtered? Filter your own water!
  • Be free of bacteria and viruses—yes, even viruses. This filter does not spare even the most minute viruses.

What will you enjoy most about the camping water filter? 

You mean apart from the fact that this camping water filter from the Sure Aqua Company has a spill-free mouthpiece? There many more benefits to look forward to:

  1. It is reliable – who can complain about a portable camping water filter that could be used reliably for up to 10 years
  2. It is simple to use – just pour water into the filter, and well … the portable water filter does the rest.
  3. It will purify water of all impurities, meeting international standards.
  4. It is light in weight. You can carry it around quickly, and—most importantly—it is made of BPA-free plastic, meaning that as you drink clean, healthy water, you also do Mother Nature one good turn.
  5. It is affordable. You will be amazed at the amount of money you will save—money you would have used to buy store water with questionable purity.

Quick tip for drinking healthy: always drink filtered water.

So how does the camping water filter work? 

This portable water pump employs hollow fiber UF membrane filtration technology and an antibacterial activated carbon filter. No bacteria, impurity, or virus will pass through the filter. The activated carbon will bond to chemicals, odors, and heavy metals to not flow out. By the time your water is ready for drinking, you can be sure that it is 99.99% pure of bacteria and viruses. This should more than satisfy everyone’s expectations!

Although the camping water filter can filter water from any source, you should filter water from running sources like brooks, springs, streams, etc. You see, still, water could harbor many impurities. There is something so refreshing and appealing about drinking water from a running source. 


But backcountry water is always fresh – Do I need this filter too?

Of course, you need this camping water filter, and very much so. Just think of the 1001 sources of contaminants out there in the jungle. For example, foxes, wild dogs, coyotes, and other animals drink from the same source, and, as you very well know, they are not very particular about their hygiene.

Water from an open-source could be contaminated by birds’ droppings and waste from other animals. Even human beings are likely to pass many contaminants to the water. This includes protozoa like cryptosporidium, bacteria like Campylobacter (which is smaller than 0.2 micron), and viruses that are smaller than 0.002 microns. Thus, you not only need to filter the water with the portable water pump before drinking, but also you will need one of the best water filters on the market. Be safe from E.coli.

From the list of these contaminants, not to mention the particulates, you can see that most of them will not be killed by boiling water because they have evolved over time and have adapted to the most extreme temperatures, be it heat or cold. You need modern filtration technology designed to deal with these nasty, minuscule killers. It does not get better than a portable water filter from Sure Aqua.

Once you get started using this camping water filter, you will never again want to drink unfiltered water outside your home. Even if you do not trust your tap water at home, filter it too!

Order you’re Sure Aqua pure water filter bottle online today.

“Took the Sure Aqua pump on a Scout Hike with 15 boys and girls. It was so good not to carry so much water. The scouts are only allowed to carry 20% of their body weight..Not much! It was great, so the kids were able to carry food and tents rather than lbs of water.”

George P, Westmead, Scout Leader

As you pack your disaster kit …

As you prepare for that long-awaited and yearned camping trip in another country, you want to make sure that everything in your survival kit is intact. You have heard about volcanoes erupting in Italy, deadly earthquakes in Nepal, tsunami, and many other natural disasters.

You will pack dry food, medicine, bandages, a flashlight, matches, canned foods, and so on … but you know what is even more important? Water!

Unfortunately, it is so bulky that you can only carry a bottle or so. With your Sure Aqua camping water filter, all your water worries will be forgotten. 


Order your camping water filter TODAY. Do not leave for that camping trip without it, or you may just give the protozoa, bacteria, and viruses in the foreign country a reason to celebrate.

Enjoy your vacation, and remember to drink purified water only.


Do You Have Enough Water Should an Emergency Kit You When Camping?

Do You Have Enough Water Should an Emergency Kit You When Camping?

Do You Have Enough Water Should an Emergency Kit You When Camping?

If you love camping, you know that nothing will stop you from going for your holiday. However, you are worried about water (every traveler is), because you know that no matter how much you carry, it will eventually run out! Camping is a very thirsty experience and the thought of being so far from home makes you even thirstier. You need to make sure you have a Emergency Kit handy.

However, I have a solution for you, a solution that will allow you to travel light, maybe carry more food because believe it or not, you will not need to bring much water with you. Order your own portable water filtration bottle today. You will find water wherever you are going on your holiday and I will tell you about this special portable water filter that is produced in Australia.

This product has revolutionized the travel industry in that travelers can now carry their own portable water filtration means, and not just any water filter, but a state-of-the-art, tried and tested, proven and patented 3-step water filtration technology that:

  • Eliminates bacteria and viruses
  • Eliminates odors
  • Eliminates heavy metals
  • Filters water from any source

Do You Have Enough Water Should an Emergency Kit You When Camping?

If you love camping, you know that nothing will stop you from going for your holiday. However, you are worried about water (every traveler is), because you know that no matter how much you carry, it will eventually run out! Camping is a very thirsty experience and the thought of being so far from home makes you even thirstier.

However, I have a solution for you, a solution that will allow you to travel light, maybe carry more food because believe it or not, you will not need to bring much water with you. Order your own portable water filtration bottle today. You will find water wherever you are going on your holiday and I will tell you about this special portable water filter that is produced in Australia.

This product has revolutionized the travel industry in that travelers can now carry their own portable water filtration means, and not just any water filter, but a state-of-the-art, tried and tested, proven, and patented 3-step water filtration technology that:


  • Eliminates bacteria and viruses
  • Eliminates odors
  • Eliminates heavy metals
  • Filters water from any source

But it is not only about water, is it? When planning your camping trip, one of the foremost considerations is the survival kit because emergencies do happen when they are least expected. Make sure that the first thing to go into your emergency kit is a portable water filter bottle. With this bottle, you are assured of drinking clean water always, anywhere.

The SureAqua standard portable water filter bottle is the camping water filter that is preferred by holidaymakers and campers. You should order one today as well!  Enjoy the freedom to drink clean water every day of your life – water that can be filtered and purified from any source.

Unless you are a cuckoo, you know that you should never leave home for a camping trip without an emergency kit containing your emergency essentials and one of the main considerations is a water filter system, like the SureAqua portable water purifier. In this kit, make sure that the water filter bottle is the first to go in. You can just order yours online. This bottle has been made to last. You will have it for a long time!

It is every outdoor enthusiast’s wish that their camping experience is smooth and memorable. There is no better way to make this possible than by being well-prepared for any potential emergency disasters that can ensue in the course of camping. Of course, you never want to be trapped at a remote location, but it will be so much worse if you realize that you don’t have the survival essentials that you need.

How are you going to make it until the time when help eventually arrives?

You must always remember that even the most enjoyable camping experience can turn sour within minutes, especially when unexpected disasters occur and you are not well equipped to deal with the situation.

Ever heard of a heatwave? It can wipe you out in seconds… but not when armed with SureAqua!

Weather conditions are becoming increasingly unpredictable nowadays, in part due to the global warming phenomenon. Currently, in most parts of the US, Asia, Australia, and Europe a heatwave has become a common occurrence – taking several lives.  What this means is that your favorite camping spot can be within the heatwave range.  But this should not in any way be a reason for the termination of your camping plans. We are born to explore and we love adventure!

In fact, what you will need to do to combat the dangers of heat is to have a constant supply of clean and safe water. Water is more important than food. You do not need to carry around a tank full of water, which would be totally unrealistic. What you should do, instead, is go light and smart by purchasing the eco-friendly SureAqua standard portable water filter – the most trusted and highest quality water filter. That way, you can quickly filter and drink the water on-site at the first sign of dehydration.

Why should you include SureAqua in your camping emergency kit?

The answer is simple: there are many unforeseeable dangers that may threaten the health of you or your loved ones. For instance, in the case of flash floods occurring while camping in a place with desert conditions, many campers will rush to drink any available water out of desperation for survival. What they fail to realize is that unpurified water can be just as deadly as flash floods.

Harmful bacteria such as E.coli and parasites like cryptosporidium and E.coli can easily penetrate a person’s body system to cause fatal diseases such as cryptosporidiosis, giardia, and diarrhea.

Hiking Emergency Kit Contents

Armed with this knowledge, you – on the other hand – have an opportunity to prevent such an outcome of emergency disasters by using the SureAqua water filter bottle. You can never trust bottled water, even more so if you are camping in underdeveloped countries far away from home. Bottled water can easily be contaminated by E.coli and other harmful viruses if they have even microscopic leakages. To ensure your safety, you ought to use the SureAqua standard portable water filter to purify any bottled water you may have carried with you on your hiking or hunting vacation.

Earthquakes: How to Survive until Rescue Arrives

Over the past decade, the occurrences of non-predictable earthquakes have risen tremendously in most parts of the globe where the tectonic plates meet. Many campers prefer camping in vulnerable Asian and African countries due to the serenity of the environment as well as the beautiful hiking terrain. Yearly, millions go for mountain hiking trips in places like Mount Everest. But what is worrying is that many of them are unprepared for the possible emergency disaster that may threaten to diminish their chances of survival.

When an earthquake strikes near mountainous regions, the tremors and shockwaves that result can bring down avalanches from the top of the mountain. Now, if you have hiked halfway to the top when the deadly event occurs, your chances of survival will be narrow. If you do survive the avalanche, drinking water will be crucial in keeping you alive until rescue arrives. How tragic would it be to survive such a dangerous occurrence only to later succumb to an E.coli-borne disease just because you drank contaminated mountain water in desperation in order to survive the emergency disaster! Avoid double tragedies by adding the SureAqua standard portable water filter to your emergency supplies list.

Update your list of emergency supplies HERE today!


Safety Hiking Kit

Why should you always use the SureAqua products?

So what exactly sets the SureAqua bottle apart from the rest as the best camping water filter bottle to use during emergency disasters? There are countless answers to this question, but some of the reasons include the following:


    1. SureAqua has been thoroughly tested by the most respected quality standards professionals and has been found to satisfy or exceed all international standards regarding water purification. In addition, SureAqua’s elite teams of researchers are constantly looking for ways to improve the longevity of service of the filter water bottle.


    1. Unlike other BPA-free water bottles, SureAqua has been designed using a non-chemical material. This alone should help to eliminate any fears and concerns that you as a user might have regarding the safety of the product.


    1. Because we hold dear the health and safety of our customers, SureAqua has been specifically and uniquely designed to employ the latest water purification technology, which involves three stages: The first stage filters the larger particles. The second stage totally eliminates any traces of E. coli and other viruses that contaminate the water. Lastly, the final stage clears the water of any unnatural taste and odors while neutralizing heavy metal traces.


  1. Finally, even after considering the technology employed and the funding for R&D efforts, the SureAqua standard portable water filter is remarkably affordable – more so than any other filter bottle in the market today!  We have made it possible for virtually everyone to own this water filter, mainly because everybody deserves safe and clean water free from E. coli. Nobody should suffer from preventable diseases such as diarrhea or cryptosporidiosis. None at all should have to cut short their thrilling and adventurous camping vacation to spend some boring or painful time in a hospital bed.


In conclusion, you are now aware of the need for emergency disaster preparation, especially when camping. It is your responsibility to take that crucial initiative to order the SureAqua portable standard water filter HERE. You will be so grateful you did if you find yourself in a situation where the health of you or your loved ones is in danger.

“On March 28th last year there was a major earthquake here in Orange.  The infrastructure was damaged.  We were without electricity and water for 3 weeks.  I was so glad that I was able to clean my own water.   The Go-Pump worked so well.  It not only help my family, it help a few of my neighbors.  It really made a big difference.  I have been spreading the GoFreshWater word.”

Christine - Orange L.A.


Astronomy Camping

Astronomy Camping

Astronomy and Camping

Today outdoor camping has actually become one of the only ways to get a clear appearance at the paradises. The next time you go outdoor camping, make sure you provide the night sky more than just a passing look.

One of the best methods to stargaze while outdoor camping is the most basic, simply looking up into the heavens with the naked eye. You do not require to understand the names of the constellations and even what to look for. Before you discover about astronomy it’s a good concept to go outdoor camping and simply stargaze. See what you see in the stars. What shapes do they form for you? It can be enjoyable to make up your own constellations and lore to opt for them. Get everyone who is camping with you to spot their own constellation, name it, and then make up a story to opt for it.

Organic Taste removal Carbon Blocks

Connecting with the Universe

Outdoor camping is a terrific time to let your imagination run wild and this is a terrific chance. If you do understand about the various constellations and the lore behind them, then point them out to the others in your outdoor camping celebration.

If you are camping at a campground with lots of campsites, then trek to a cleaning and wait for the sun to set. Make sure you understand what wildlife is around. If you have studied astronomy before your camping journey, then try to look up at the stars and see them as the ancient Greeks and Romans did.

Then bring a telescope with you, if you want to take astronomy more seriously while outdoor camping. Today there are telescopes to fit every budget plan, however remember that you are taking it camping so it should not be too fragile. When certain worlds will be most noticeable or when specific constellations will be out, you can schedule your outdoor camping journey around times. If you haven’t utilized a telescope prior to, make certain you find out how to utilize it before going camping. Camping in the dark is not the very best time to try and figure out how to work your telescope. Whether you utilize a telescope or the naked eye, camping is a fantastic chance to see the stars.

Star Gazing

Stargazing offers an excellent chance to consider on life. Believe about the fact that while you’re camping you’re seeing the stars as they were years ago, some even millions of years ago! Whether you are camping with kids or adults, stargazing is one of the very best outdoor camping activities you can plan.

Prior to you discover about astronomy it’s an excellent idea to go camping and simply stargaze. If you do know about the various constellations and the lore behind them, then point them out to the others in your outdoor camping party. If you have studied astronomy prior to your outdoor camping journey, then attempt to look up at the stars and see them as the ancient Greeks and Romans did. You can arrange your outdoor camping journey around times when specific worlds will be most noticeable or when certain constellations will be out. If you have not used a telescope before, make sure you learn how to utilize it prior to going camping.


Portable Water Filters on the move

Portable Water Filters on the move

Traveling lightly? Check out which SureAqua portable water filter is right for

Water is essential for survival but too heavy to carry much of. If heading away from a place with access to safe drinking water, travel lightly, and make sure you have a portable water filter with you.

Obviously, you cannot change the mass of water. One liter of water will always weigh 1kg. Neither can you carry all the water you need if you plan to head away for more than five days. To have safe, portable water, you’ll need a good method of water purification and a container to carry small amounts of water in.

How can we help to provide safe drinking water from tap?

what water product to choose while traveling

The safest, most efficient portable water filter is probably the SureAqua Survival Bottle. The SureAqua Survival Bottle is the perfect portable water filter because it solves the purification process and the storage problem in one. You can fill it up whenever near water. The filtration occurs while you drink, so you can access safe water whenever you need it.

As a 1L sized bottle, it’s perfect for when you’re on the go. The bottle itself is made from thick plastic, so it won’t break if it gets knocked around a bit. There are also no batteries or power required so that you can travel lightly, and there’s no need to fuss about forgetting any bits or having it break down.

The SureAquaBottle also offers peace of mind, promising to remove 99.9999% of bacteria, including Giardia and Cryptosporidium. The bottle removes parasites, cysts, oocysts, and spores, and makes sure the water is clear and tastes clean.

The SureAquaBottle is also a cheap method of making portable water. One filter can purify up to 1000 liters of water, costing 1000th of the price of bottled water.

Lets try to reduce the pollution into our environment.

If you’re really short on space and need to travel lightly, the SureAquaStraw is another great portable water filter. Although the SureAquaStraw can’t store water, it’s a good option if you’re likely to have access to water for the majority of your journey. The Survival Straw is slightly cheaper than the bottle and significantly cheaper than bottled water. It also offers completely pure, safe water with a portable water filter you can store in your pocket.

Alternatively, the Sure Aqua could be the best option if you like the idea of storing everything together and having a highly portable water filter system. The SureAqua Pak is a great way to travel lightly and neatly. It has an inbuilt filtration device and bladder for storing water. Simply use the SureAquaStraw attached to the backpack to filter the water inside.

Not heading too far from the car? The SureAqua Survival Jerry Can is perfect if you want to a portable water filter that can store large volumes and don’t need to carry it too far. Like all SureAqua technology, the Jerrycan filters out 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.99% or viruses. The difference is, the jerry can filter up to 40, 000 liters of water and can be used for all your trips for up to 10 years. The SureAqua Survival Jerry Can is made of a hard polypropylene casing with a fiber filter membrane built inside. To filter the water inside, simply sip from the mouthpiece attached to the Survival  Jerry can.

When you want to travel lightly, a portable water filter is essential. Thankfully, SureAqua has got you covered with a range of portable water filter products so you can choose the one that’s right for you.


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